Johann Ludwig Mowinckel junior

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Johann Ludwig Mowinckel junior (born November 12, 1895 in Bergen ; † May 27, 1940 in Aker , now part of Oslo ; also Eggedal) was a Norwegian conductor and composer .


Johann Ludwig Mowinckel's parents were Johann Ludwig Mowinckel and his wife Caroline Andrea Mowinckel (* September 7, 1871, † April 23, 1898). After the Artium 1914, the Norwegian school leaving certificate, Mowinckel worked in the commercial area until 1917. He then trained as a conductor in Oslo, London and Berlin between 1917 and 1921. He worked at the Opera Comique in Oslo and was Kapellmeister at Den Nationale Scene in Bergen from 1922 to 1925 . From 1931 to 1935 he was the conductor of the Gävleborgs läns Orkesterforening. Among other things, he has conducted the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra several times . He left his wife Anna Ovidia Mowinckel geb. Kildal (born December 8, 1894; † after March 10, 1929) and two children. One of them was Daniel Kildal Mowinckel (born March 10, 1929).


He wrote orchestral works, choral works, piano pieces and songs. He also published several books for music, including a. 1932 Hvad enhver bör vite om musikk (What everyone should know about music).


On May 29, 1940, the Norwegian newspaper 1st Mai from Stavanger published an article with a portrait as an obituary. The Firda Folkeblad wrote on May 31, 1945: “The well-known musician, the Kapellmeister Joh. Ludw. Mowinckel Jr. is dead, 45 years old. He leaves behind a wife and two children. Kapellmeister Mowinckel was the son of statesman and member of parliament Joh. Ludw. Mowinckel. "


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Rune J. Andersen: Johan Ludwig, jr. Mowinckel. In: Store Norske Leksikon. November 29, 2013. Retrieved May 18, 2017 (Norwegian).
  2. May 1st . Stavanger May 29, 1940, urn : nbn: no-nb_digavis_foerstemai_null_null_19400529_40_117_1 .
  3. Firda Folkeblad . Florø May 31, 1940, urn : nbn: no-nb_digavis_firdafolkeblad_null_null_19400531_35_42_1 .