Johann marble

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Johann Marmor baptismal name Johann (es) Fidelis Nikolaus Marmor (born March 26, 1804 in Petershausen , † December 12, 1879 in Constance ) was a doctor, archivist, historian and local researcher.


Marble was the son of the miller Johann Georg Marmor and Anna Maria Weber. After studying medicine in Heidelberg and Vienna, he established himself as a general practitioner in Constance in 1831. His main interest was the history of Konstanz, which he has been able to devote himself to professionally since he was appointed city archivist in 1859. Marble was one of the founders of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings in 1868 and represented the Grand Duchy of Baden on the board. Although his financial situation was modest, marble sponsored social institutions such as an "aid association for the rescue of morally neglected children". In 1861 city councilor Ludwig Leiner and archivist Johann Marmor again prevented the city of Constance from attempting to demolish the Rheintorturm .


  • A street was named in his honor in the Paradies district .

Publications (selection)

  • Brief history of the church buildings and their art treasures on the island of Reichenau . Constance (1873) digitized
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance from 1155 to 1406 . Lindau (1873)
  • St. Blasien on the Schwarzwalde and its surroundings in topographical, historical and natural history relation: With maps and views . Constance (1872)
  • History of the city of Constance, with special consideration of the moral and cultural history . Konstanz (1871)
  • Guide through the island of Mainau and its history . Constance (1865)
  • Historical topography of the city of Constance and its immediate surroundings, with special consideration of the moral and cultural history of the same . Constance (1860)
  • The Council of Constance in the years 1414-1418. Adapted from Ulrich von Richental's handwritten chronicle . 2nd edition, Konstanz (1864) digitized
  • Guide through the old and new Constance for local and foreign Constance (1857)
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance. Addendum 1283–1579 . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance . Volume 9, 1878, Appendix pp. 223-239 digitized version
  • On the history of the Diocese of Constanz . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 11, 1877, pp. 306-313 digitized
  • The city archive in Konstanz . In: Archival Journal . Volume 2, 1877, pp. 227-240.
  • Documented contributions to a history of Hegau and his counts . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 7, 1876, pp. 20-43.
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance. IV. Row 1500-1808 . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 7, 1876, Appendix pp. 147-222.
  • On the history of the Diocese of Constanz. Excerpts from the "Collectaneen" by Christoph Schulthaiss . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 10, 1876, pp. 346-351. Digitized
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance. III. Series 1452-1499 . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 6, 1875, Appendix pp. 89-146. Digitized
  • Constanzer diocese chronicle by Christoph Schulthaiß. Supplement: Bishop Heinrich III. and the city of Constanz . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 8, 1874, pp. 1-101, pp. 368-374. Digitized
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance. II. Row 1406-1452 . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 5, 1874, Appendix pp. 45-88. Digitized
  • Excerpts from documents on the history of the city of Constance. I. Row 1155-1406 . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 4, 1873, Appendix pp. 1-44. Digitized
  • Bishop Heinrich von Brandis and the city of Constanz . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 8, 1874, pp. 368-374. Digitized
  • Ulrich von Richtental and his Concilschronik . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 7, 1873, pp. 133-144. Digitized
  • Relations between the city of Constanz and the Swiss Confederation during the Middle Ages (1259–1520). Documents and files from the Constanz City Archives . In: Archives for Swiss History . Volume 18, 1873, pp. 111-189. Digitized - Also as a separate print under the title: Contributions to the history of the city of Constanz, primarily regarding its relations with the Swiss Confederation (1259–1520) . Zurich, 1872. Digitized
  • The department store in Constance and the papal election held there . In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings . Volume 3, 1872, pp. 40-48. Digitized
  • On the history of the cathedral treasure of the former Constanz bishopric . In: Freiburg Diocesan Archives . Volume 6, 1871, pp. 231-240. Digitized
  • News about Ulrich von Richental, author of the Council chronicle . In: Correspondence sheet of the general association of the German history and antiquity associations . Volume 13, 1865, pp. 52-53.
  • About medieval artists in Constanz . In: Correspondence sheet of the general association of the German history and antiquity associations . Volume 13, 1865, pp. 55-60.
  • Some of the history of the development of the city of Constanz . In: Correspondence sheet of the general association of the German history and antiquity associations . Volume 12, 1864, pp. 70-75.
  • The handover of the city of Constance to the House of Austria in 1548 . In: Meeting reports. Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Philosophical-Historical Class . Volume 47/4, 1864, pp. 278-314. Digitized
  • The guild disapproval in Constanz. According to the sources . In: Badenia. NF, Vol. 2, 1862, pp. 549-571. Digitized
  • Creation and further training of the council in Constance. On the history of the southern German urban system . In: Journal for German Cultural History . Volume 4, 1859, pp. 251-254.
  • About the coat of arms and sigils of the city of Constanz . In: Anzeiger für customer of the German prehistory. NF, Vol. 5, 1858, pp. 12-151.


Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Maurer : Lucian Reich and Johann Marmor. In: Writings of the Association for History and Natural History of the Baar. Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Volume 29, 1972, pp. 38-54, here p. 39.
  2. Harald Derschka : The association for the history of Lake Constance and its surroundings. A look back at one hundred and fifty years of club history 1868–2018. In: Writings of the Association for the History of Lake Constance and its Surroundings. Volume 136, 2018, pp. 1–302, here p. 16, p. 220.
  3. ^ Gert Zang: Constance in the grand ducal times. Restoration, revolution, liberal era 1806–1870 (= history of the city of Constance . Volume 4.1). Konstanz 1994, p. 79 f., P. 134, p. 139, p. 212, p. 268-270.
  4. ^ Website Rheintorturm