Johann Matthias Damage

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Johann Matthias damage ( Russian Иоганн Матиас Шаден * 11. May 1731 in Bratislava ; † August 28 . Jul / 8. September  1797 greg. In Moscow ) was a Hungarian - Russian philosopher and university lecturer .


Schaden attended grammar school in Pressburg and began studying at the University of Tübingen in 1752 . He especially listened to the lectures by Johann Friedrich Cottas , Johann Gottlieb Fabers and Johann Kies . The University of Tübingen earned him a doctorate in philosophy .

In 1756, Schaden accepted a position at the University of Moscow, which opened in 1755, and became rector of the university high schools . At the inauguration in June 1756 he gave the speech De gymnasiis in Moscovia rite aperiundis . In November he drew up a curriculum for the grammar schools of Moscow University, which was later changed by Johann Georg Schwarz . In December 1756 he gave a speech on the ways of teaching and studying science. His role model was Christian Fürchtegott Gellert . In 1757, when high school students transitioned to university, he gave a speech on the traditions of awarding awards. He gave his speeches in Latin , for which he also carried out exercises. At the university he taught the Greek language in 1757 and showed Greek and Roman antiquities . He gave an introduction to the liberal sciences and, for enthusiasts, introductions to numismatics and heraldry .

1764–1765, Schaden gave lectures on logic , metaphysics and aesthetics . In 1771 he gave up the post of rector of the two grammar schools and took over the chair for practical philosophy as a full professor , where he also taught ethics and until 1796 in his lectures with Johann Heinrich Winckler , Johann August Ernesti , Johann Georg Heinrich Feder and Ludwig Heinrich von Jakob as well as Jakob Friedrich von Bielfeld (translated by Anton Alexejewitsch Barsow ) and Gottfried Achenwall with regard to popular, natural and constitutional law . Seven of the Latin speeches Schaden from 1767–1793 were translated into Russian by his students and printed in both languages. With regard to the common good and the advancement of the sciences and arts, he preferred the monarchical to the republican system. Damage students included Denis Iwanowitsch Fonwisin , Nikolai Michailowitsch Karamsin , Michail Nikititsch Murawjow and Platon Petrowitsch Beketow . In the 1770s and 1780s, Schaden also ran a boarding school . In 1797, Schaden introduced his students to Kant's critical philosophy .

In 1807 the Damage Library with 4,370 volumes was given to Moscow University .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Borosdin AK : Шаден (Иоанн Матиас) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXXIX , 1903, p. 93-94 ( Wikisource [accessed November 28, 2019]).
  2. a b c d Kupalow Anatoli Julianowitsch: Шаден, Иоганн Маттиас ( Iohannes -Matthias Schaden) . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 22 , 1905, pp. 475-479 ( Wikisource [accessed November 28, 2019]).
  3. a b c University of Moscow: Шаден Иоганн Маттиас (accessed November 29, 2019).