Johann Michael Strauss

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Johann Michael Strauss (born June 21, 1628 in Wittenberg , † December 10, 1692 in Pirna ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Strauss was the son of the electoral Saxon governor in Wittenberg Benedikt Strauss (* ± 1599; † February 4, 1675) and his wife Anna Maria (née Schneider; † March 20, 1686). After his birth he was baptized on January 22nd in the city ​​church of Wittenberg . Strauss came from a widely ramified Saxon bourgeois family. His paternal grandfather was the teacher at the city school in Torgau Johann Strauss, who had fathered Elisabeth Wolcken, the daughter of the wine master in Torgau, later in Dresden, Blasius Wolcken. His maternal grandfather was the Wittenberg official Michael Schneider, who had fathered his mother with Maria Reuter, the daughter of the Bitterfeld mayor Konrad Reuter. He was thus a nephew of the Wittenberg professor Konrad Viktor Schneider . His line of ancestors could be continued as desired, for example to the superintendent of Seyda Caspar Roth, or the Wittenberg mayor Ambrosius Reuter.

His father made sure that his son received a solid education. For this he hired well-known trainers. Initially, his uncle Michael Schneider directed his training. After his death, August Buchner took over this task, as did Johann Erich Ostermann , who later became pastor in Zschepa with Oschatz Mag. Gottfried Hallbach and Konstantin Ziegra . Prepared in this way, he moved to the University of Leipzig on April 28, 1648 . In the following year he moved back to Wittenberg, where he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophical sciences at the university there on April 22, 1650. On May 1, 1654 he became an adjunct of the philosophical faculty and in 1660 took over the deanery of the philosophical faculty. On June 16, 1662 he received an appointment as pastor a. Superintendent in Herzberg (Elster) , which office he did not take up until May 25, 1663. Before that, he obtained his licentiate in theology in Wittenberg on October 10, 1662, and was made a doctorate in the same sciences on October 12, 1662. In 1668 he became pastor and superintendent in Pirna, which task he carried out until the end of his life. On December 20th he was buried in the town church of Pirna.


On December 2, 1662, Strauss married in Freiberg with Klara Margaretha Starcke (born June 3, 1647 in Lüneburg), the daughter of the superintendent in Freiberg Dr. theol. Sebastian Gottfried Starcke (born March 27, 1612 in Mittweida, † November 27, 1670 in Freiberg). From the children of this marriage we know:

  1. Son Johann Gottfried Strauss (* around 1664; † 1682)
  2. Daughter Johanna Margaretha Strauss
  3. Son Johann Michael Strauss, Stud. Jur.
  4. Daughter Clara Margaretha Strauss (* 1668; † 1682)
  5. Daughter Johanna Charitas Strauss

Works (selection)

  • Disputatio De Virtute Heroica. Resp. Johann Scheffer. Wittenberg, 1659 ( digitized version )
  • Disputatio ethica de fortitudine. Resp. Daniel Scheffer. Wittenberg, 1659 ( digitized version )
  • Disputatio Physica De Anima Rationali, eiusque Facultatibus. Resp. Johann Christoph Less. Wittenberg, 1660, ( digitized version )
  • Dissertatio Politica Vulgatiora Quaedam, Tum Formandi Principis Indolem Tum Stabiliendi Principatus, Tractans Fundamenta. Resp. Conrad Strauss. Wittenberg, 1660, ( digitized version )
  • XXX Quaestiones Ex Practica Philosophia Collectae. Resp. Heinrich Beinrad. Wittenberg, 1661, ( digitized version )
  • Ex Ethicis De Bonis SB Concomitantibus. Resp. Johannes Beinrad. Wittenberg, 1661, ( digitized version )
  • Disputatio Politica De Summa Potestate. Resp. Johannes Kleinsorge. Wittenberg, 1661, ( digitized version )
  • Disputatio metaphysica de enterationis. Resp. Michael Christian Dalichau. Wittenberg, 1662, ( digitized version )
  • Disputatio philosophica de propriorum communicatione. Wittenberg, 1662, ( digitized version )
  • Cur Deus Homo, sive De Incarnationis Filii Dei Causa Finali, Disputatio Inauguralis Scholasticis potissimum opposita. President: Johann Andreas Quenstedt . Wittenberg, 1662, ( digitized version )
  • Goel Vivus. The Living Redeemer: From the key motto of Job's cap. XIX, v. 25. 26. 27. Dresden, 1674, ( digitized version )
  • Consul Triumphans. The triumphant regent ... Bey ... Mr. Melchior Rauffus / old well-deserved citizen master at the city of Pirn. Torgau, 1676, ( digitized version )
  • The affirmed love of God: From the VIII. Cap. the epistle S. Pauli to the Romans vers. 38 / 39. I am certain / that neither death nor life [et] c. Dresden, 1678, ( digitized version )
  • The confirmed preacher / From the cap. 15. Jerem. versic. 19.20.21. That is why the Lord says so / where you stand by me .... Pirna, 1680
  • The studiosus soon perfected in Leipzig .... Pirna, 1683
  • The constant preacher / From the 2nd Timoth. 1st vers. 12. I know / in which one I believe / .... Pirna, 1685, ( digitized version )
  • The faithful art from the 25th Cap. Matth. Verse 21 .... Leipzig, 1686, ( digitized version )


Individual evidence

  1. In beatum obitum Matronae Nobilissimae ac Pientissimae Dn. Annae Mariae natu Schneideriae, .... Wittenberg, 1686, ( digitized version ); The children of the marriage included: To. Christina Elisabeth Strauss (* December 6, 1634 in Wittenberg; † October 15, ▭ October 26, 1684 ibid.) ∞ November 11, 1661 with City General Counsel in Lübben, sp. princely Saxon Secretary at the Regional Court u. Protonotary at the consistory of the margraviate d. Niederlausitz Albinus Reussner († 1664), ∞ II. October 26, 1669 in Wittenberg with the Wittenberg lawyer and councilor Gottfried Wagner, So. Gottfried Strauss , Prof. jur. University. Wittenberg, Sun. Johann Christoph Strauss, city doctor in Freiberg, Sun. Augustin Strauss, city commandant Wittenberg, heir to Hemsen, Gorß, Ruhls u. Abtnaundorf, To. Anna Maria Strauss ∞ 1649 with Johann Erich Ostermann , To. Agneta Strauss ∞ with d. Pastor in Regensburg David Wendler, cf. Braunschw. Lp .: Vol. 8, p. 4057, No. 6581;
  2. funeral sermon on Gabriel Bear (also: Ursinus, born November 13 ~ November 16, 1597 in Großwaltersdorf, † April 20 ▭ 20 April 1674 Reinhardtsgrimma) GVAV. Sebald Bär (also Ursinus; * 1491 in Nuremberg; † 1589) until 1540 until 1576 Rev. Gahlenz, GMUv. Katharina Fischer (* Erdmannsdorf (Augustusburg)), Va. Lorenz Bär (also Laurentius Ursinus; * 1538 in Schellenberg, † 16.12.1602 in Großwaltersdorf), Pastor Großwaltersdorf, Mu. Maria Rümler, Wwe. D. Pastor in Langenhennersdorf Matthäus Günther, daughter of the Citizen and cloth maker in Oederan Georg Rümler, Großwaltersdorf School, 1609 Oederan School, June 20, 1614 kurf. Saxon State School Pforta, July 4th 1620 Uni. Wittenberg (teachers: Erasmus Schmid, Wolfgang Franz, Friedrich Balduin, Balthasar Meisner, Nicolaus Hunnius), private tutor d. So. d. Prof. jur. Valentin Wilhelm Förster, 1624 private tutor Lockwitz and Gamig, April 29, 1630 ord., September 1, 1630 Pastor Gahlenz, June 5, 1633 Pastor Weesenstein, January 1, 1640 Rev. Reinhardtsgrimma, ∞ August 29, 1630 Anne Elisabeth Kritze, To. d. Amtschössers in Elbenau Paul Kritze (1st Sun & 2nd daughter, † all young)
  3. Funeral sermon at Melchior Rauffus (also: Rauchfuss; * September 5, 1598 in Pirna; † November 4, ▭ November 12, 1672 ibid.), Va. Valentin Rauffuss († 1625), Bürger u. Councilor Pirna, Mu. Maria Müldener († 1632), To. d. Burgermstr. in Stolpen Melchior Müldener, Br. Mag. Valentin Rauffuß, Rev. Franckenberg, School Pirna, 1607 School Stolpen, Burchardswalde, April 15, 1614 to 1619 kurf. Saxon State School St. Afra Meißen, 1619 to 1625 Uni. Wittenberg, 1625 again Pirna, 1627 councilor Pirna, sp. several times city judge ibid., from 1651 Bürgermstr. ibid., ∞ I. February 20, 1627 with Anne Bartzsch († 1632), To. d. Citizen u. Schwarzfärbers Andreas Bartzsch, ∞ II. 1633 Marie König, Wwe. D. Citizen u. Kaufmanns in Pirna Nicolaus Heber, (∞ I, 3rd daughter; † all young; ∞ II. 3rd daughter, 1st To. † young), To. Anna Catharina Raufuss ∞ Bürgermstr. Oschatz Georg Forwerger, To. Elisabeth Rauffuss,
  4. ^ Funeral sermon to Anna Dorothea Promnitz (* October 7, 1621 in Pirna; † March 16, 1678 in Dresden, ▭ March 25, 1678 in Pirna), Va. Heinrich Promnitz († 1639 in Pirna), Bürgermstr. Pirna, Mu. Magdalena Heintze († June 6th, 1658 in Pirna), To. d. Burgermstr. Pirna Johann Heintze, Br. Heinrich Promnitz, Councilor Pirna, ∞ I. June 3, 1641 in Pirna with d. Colonel Sergeant Augustin Kühn († June 24, 1652 in Pirna), ∞ June 20, 1658 with d. Burgermstr. in Pirna Christoph Polßnitz († June 23, 1664 in Pirna), ∞ III. October 24, 1665 kurf. Saxon escort u. Councilor in Pirna Christoph Völckel († December 11, 1666 in Pirna), Sun. Johann Heinrich Kühn (* May 26 ~ May 27, 1642 in Pirna; † July 5 July 12, 1705 in Dresden), Pirna School, 7 September 1658 Uni. Wittenberg, October 16 1562 Mag. Phil. ibid., 1663 tutor to Major General Rudolph von Reitschütz, fell ill in 1567 a. Cure. in Teplitz / Bohemia, May 29, 1568 Uni. Leipzig, sp. again Wittenberg, 1669 Rev.-Adj. Hosterwitz, August 25th (voc. June 26th) 1672 Unterdiak. Holy Cross Dresden, 25.03.1691 Diak. ibid., November 28, 1700 Stadtprediger Dresden, ∞ I. August 17, 1669 in Hosterwitz with Anna Magdalena Rüdinger († August 20, 1675), To. d. Rev. Hosterwitz Mag. Gottfried Rüdinger, ∞ II. November 21, 1676 with Johanna Elisabeth Tzschimmer, To. d. kurf. Saxon bailiff of Moritzburg near Dresden Christian Tzschimmer, To. Katharina Dorothea Polßnitz (* ± 1659; † July 8, 1671), So. Christoph Heinrich Polßnitz († young)
  5. funeral sermon on August Cademann (also: Kademann * February 17 ~ February 19, 1612 in Bischofswerda, † November 11 ▭ November 18, 1679 in Pirna) GVAV. Balthasar Cademann Rector Liebenwerda, Rector Bautzen, Diak. Ortrand, Rev. Langenhennersdorf Rev. Böhmisch Kamnitz, private pred. Dresden, Sup. Pirna, GMuv. Margaretha Treutler, To. d. Officials in Meißen NN Treutler, Va. Georg Cademann († December 7, 1633), Mag. Phil., First Rev.-Subst. Pirna, sp. Rev. Radeberg, Sup. Bischofswerda, Sup. Oschatz, Mu. Magdalena Zimler († - 1679), To. d. City judge in Pirna Caspar Zimler, initially private lessons, city school Oschatz, 1626 kurf. Saxon State School St. Afra Meißen, 1630 Uni. Leipzig, 1632 Mag. Phil. ibid., 1636 tutor Dresden, (voc. April 22) May 27, 1638 Rev. Collmen bei Grimma, September 1641 Diak. Pirna, 1653 Adiak. ibid., ∞ October 23, 1638 with Elisabeth Raff, od Bürgermstr. in Pirna Adam Raff, (5th son and 2nd daughter, 1st Sun and 2nd daughter † before father), To. NN Cademann ∞ mi d. Rector in Pirna Mag. Christian Wolff, So. Adam Georg Cademann, Mag. Phil. Rev. Dorfchemnitz, So. August Cademann, Rev. in Canitz, So. Balthasar Cademann, Rev. in Bärenstein, Johann Ernst Cademann, landowner in Kleinwaltersdorf, lit .: Gustav Früh, Hans Goedeke, Hans Jürgen v., Wilckens: Die Funeral Sermons of the Braunschweig City Archives. Hannover, 1979, Vol. 4, p. 1723, No. 2855;
  6. Funeral Sermon to Christian Wilhelm Gottlieb Alardi (also: a Lardi; * December 5, 1662 in Langengrassau; † December 25, 1682, ▭ January 4, 1683 in Leipzig), UUGVavvv. Franciscus a Lardus (* Brabant), published writings against Flacius Illyricus, UGVavv. Wilhelm a Lardus, Insp., Senior a. Assessor of the fortress Krempe / Holstein, GVav. Wilhelm a Lardus, senior pastor St. Dionysus in Suderau / Holstein, Va. Marcus Alardi (also: a Lardi, a Lardus;) Rev. Struppen, Mu. Maria Bundschön, To. d. Adiak. in Cottbus Andreas Bundschön (also Bondschonius), sponsors: 1. Mag. Conrad David Bucher, Probst u. Superintendent in Schlieben, 2. Martin Stubritz, Juris, senior attorney in Bautzen, imperial crowned poet & syndic of the Bautzen cathedral chapter, 3. Constantin Christian Dedekind, well-known poet and composer, emperor. Notary and kurf. Saxon tax collector in Dresden, 4th Dorothea Elisabeth NN ∞ with d. Magistrate in Schlieben Konrad Tschoch, 5th Magdalena Alardi ∞ with d. Lawyers and Inheritance of the riding buck Johann Balitz; 1673 Pirna City School, 1674 Gym. Bautzen, 1675 kurf. Saxon State School St. Afra Meißen, 1681 back in Langenkrassau, suffering from a bee sting, 20 September 1682 kurf. Saxon scholarship holder in Dresden, Uni. Wittenberg, wanted to travel to foreign countries, traveled through 19 cities in the Reich a. by the sea, wanted to do his habilitation in Leipzig and move to Holland, France, Brabant and Padua to study medicine, was an agile tympanist, but suffered from consumption and suffocation from his youth, plagued by headaches and chest problems, this prevented him from studying until he finally fell over and died, Lit .: Fritz Roth (genealogist) : Complete evaluations of funeral sermons and personal documents for genealogical and cultural-historical purposes. Boppard / Rhein, 1980, Vol. 10, R 9826;
  7. funeral sermon on August Lawrence (born 7 August 1622 Dohna; † 28 December 1684, ▭ January 2, 1585 in the village of Wehlen), Va Johann Laurentius, Diak.. Dohna, sp. Rev. Lohmen, Mu. Anna Steiner (* Radeberg), Pirna School (Rector: Tobias Petermann), Freiberg City School (Rector: M. Johann Schellenberg, Vice-Rector: David Quellmaltz), October 9, 1641 Uni. Wittenberg (teachers: Johann Meisner, Johann Dürr, Paul Röber), (voc. September 4, 1642) 1642 Rev. Dorfwehlen, ∞ I. November 7, 1643 with Anna Dorothea Pelz († August 26, 1658), To. d. Rev. Stürza Christoph Pelz, ∞ II. 1677 Martha Schütz, To. d. Rev. Dittersbach David Schütz, Wwe. D. Rev. in Printz Gerhard Stöckhart, (∞ 1st 7th son and 2nd daughter, 3rd son † young, ∞ II. Childless), So. August Laurentius († young), So. Christian Laurentius († young), So. Andreas Salomon Laurentius († young), So. Johann Christoph Laurentius, Mag. phil., Rev. Krippena near Eilenburg, So. Gottfried Laurentius, Mag. phil., Rev. Lobschwitz near Borna, So. August Laurentius , Notary Hohenstein, So. Christian Laurentius, Rev. Pabstdorf u. Cunnersdorf, To. Anne Dorothea Laurentius ∞ with d. Citizen u. Court scoops in Dorfwehlen Heinrich Hauswald, To. Anne Sophie Laurentius ∞ with d. Bell ringer, citizen u. Pedestal in Dorfwehlen Samuel Gauder,
  8. funeral sermon on John Quiersfeld (also: Qviersfeld; born July 22, ~ July 23, 1642 in Dresden, † June 18 ▭ 24 June 1686 in Pirna) GVAV. Johann Quiersfeld, citizen a. Töpfer Brieg / Schlesien, Va. Matthäus Quiersfeld, as a trained Töpfermstr. 1622 kurf. Saxon soldier, 1631 kurf. Saxon body satellite, Mu. Magdalena Hoyer, To. of the private corporal in Dresden Johann Hoyer, 1649 Dresden Latin School (Rector Johann Böhme), April 25, 1663 Uni. Wittenberg (teacher: Caspar Leyser, Sperling), 1565 private teacher Wilsdorf, (voc. June 6) July 3, 1670 cantor a. 3. Teacher School Pirna, October 14th 1675 Mag. Phil. University. Wittenberg, August 14, 1679 ordained Dresden, (voc. July 30) Diak. Pirna, November 30, 1679 (inv. May 4, 1680) Adiak. ibid., October 18, 1670 Margarethe Haupt, To. d. Rev. in Schilda Andreas Haupt, (1st Sun and 4th daughter), To. Anna Quiersfeld († young) ,, To. Raisin Dorothea Quiersfeld, To. Johanna Magdalena Quiersfeld, To. Clara Sophia Qviersfeld, So. Johannes Quiersfeld († young),