Johann Neumeier

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Johann Neumeier (born June 7, 1945 in Unterammergau ) is a German politician. As a member of the CSU , he was a member of the Bavarian state parliament from 1990 to 2008 .

After attending elementary school and completing secondary school at a business school, Neumeier joined the police force. From 1962 to 1972 he worked as a police officer. With the further qualification for managing business administrator , he joined as an administrative employee and officer in the District Office of Garmisch-Partenkirchen . In 1975 he became a consultant in the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, in 1977 in the Ministry of Finance and finally in 1988 in the Bavarian State Chancellery .

His political career began in 1970 when he joined the CSU. In 1984 he became the local chairman of the party in his hometown Unterammergau and took over a district council mandate. He was a member of the district council of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen district for 30 years. For his work he was awarded the district's silver and gold decorations. He was a member of the local council from 1972 to 2004. In the state elections in 1990 Neumeier was elected to the Bavarian state parliament for the first time, to which he belonged continuously until 2008.

In the state elections in 2008 he was unable to return to the state parliament as a candidate on the list for the Upper Bavaria district due to the heavy losses suffered by the CSU.

In 2006 he was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit for his services . For his services he was awarded the Constitutional Medal, the Communal Medal of Merit, the Golden Journal of Honor of the Association of Forest Service Agents and the Bavarian. Fire service medal handed out.

On May 3, 2013, the President of the Bavarian State Parliament, Barbara Stamm (CSU), published a list of names of MPs who employed first-degree relatives (spouses, parents, children). Neumeier is also included on this list; from 1993 he had employed his wife, and from 2000 also his daughter. In a press release dated June 5, 2013, the President of the State Parliament, Barbara Stamm, announced that she regrets that she has provided incorrect information about employment in this case and asks that you take note of this correction. "Under no. Three of the list is Johann Neumeier with the declaration that, according to the documents of the Landtag Office, he had employed his daughter from September 1, 2000. It should be noted that this employment relationship existed on March 1, 1994 and therefore is not objectionable. "

Individual evidence

  1. Appendix to the press release from May 2nd, 2013. (PDF; 19 kB)
  2. ^ Salary affair in Bavaria: The list of Amigo members at a glance., May 3, 2013
  3. ^ Relatives affair in the Bavarian state parliament - The list of 16 names ., May 28, 2013

4. Press release from the State Parliament Office of June 5, 2013