Administrative specialist

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The administrative specialist is a vocational training qualification according to the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), which is obtained at a study institute or an administrative school such as B. the Hessian Administrative School Association (HVSV) or the Bavarian Administrative School (BVS) can be acquired. The advanced training to become an administrative specialist is practically the " master craftsman's examination " of the administrative professions. Depending on the educational institution, the corresponding course is also referred to as administration course II (VL II), employees course II (B II) or salaried employees course II (AL II).

At its 55th federal meeting in November 2017, the Federal Association of Administrative Schools and Study Institutes decided on a competency framework plan for advanced training (administrative specialist in accordance with the Vocational Training Act and Administrative Course II in accordance with public collective bargaining law). This is the first time that there is a nationwide basis for such qualification courses. The framework plan is based on the relevant recommendations of the Federal Institute for Vocational Training. In Brandenburg, on the basis of the nationwide framework plan, the advancement training to become an administrative specialist has already been adapted accordingly. The framework plan for the advanced training course to become an administrative specialist in the state of Brandenburg was announced on December 27, 2018 in the official gazette of the state of Brandenburg.

With the certificate the designation "administrative specialist" is awarded. In addition, all successful BVS graduates receive a general university entrance qualification in Bavaria.

Administrative specialists are employed in various activities and areas of law within public administration. They often take on managerial roles (e.g. subject area or department head ).


To attend the course according to the Vocational Training Act, one of the following professional requirements must be met:

For admission to the course, the holders of the above-mentioned professional qualifications also need relevant professional experience in the public administration service of several years as a clerk in a relevant pay group (E 6 or E 8  TVöD ). In some cases, the appointing authority may require an aptitude test and an oral exam for admission to these advancement courses.

Training content

The content of the training (usually 800 hours, in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia over 1,000 hours) is on the one hand in-depth knowledge in the field of state law and on the other hand in-depth knowledge of finance and commercial accounting. In addition, various social skills such as leadership are taught. The advanced training to become an administrative specialist is usually based on the Vocational Training Act (BBiG). This can include, for example, the following subjects:

The exams to be taken are determined by the examination regulations of the study institute or administrative school. The same applies to the calculation of the final grade. There are no uniform regulations. The final exam basically consists of a written and an oral part.

At the Hessian Administrative School Association, the trainer aptitude test (AdA) can be acquired at the same time as the final examination to become an administrative specialist.

Like diploma administrators (FH), administrators can perform tasks at a higher functional level. A collectively agreed entitlement to higher-quality employment is not associated with acquiring the professional title of administrative specialist .

Job title

The professional title administrative specialist is not awarded by all study institutes.

Municipal study institutes and academies

For example, the Bavarian Administration School or other municipal study institutes such as the Niederlausitzer Studieninstitut in Brandenburg, the Hessian Administrative School Association , or the Badische Gemeindeverwaltungsschule (Baden Municipal Administration School) confer the designation administrative specialist according to the Vocational Training Act.

armed forces

For example, the Bundeswehr Administration Schools certified successful participation in the “administrative staff examination II” until 2007. In the area of the Federal Ministry of Defense (MoD) of administrative own exam II is the designation since 2008 for the graduates administrators host awarded. For the graduates of the former salaried training course II there is the possibility of a subsequent award of the title via a transitional regulation.

Differentiation from the police

In some federal states (for example Bavaria ) the designation administrative specialist - police is awarded in the middle police enforcement service after passing the career test . However, this name is a creation of the police itself and should not be confused with the advanced training described above under the Vocational Training Act. In contrast to the professional qualification designation administrative specialist, the administrative specialist - police is a designation on the civil service qualification level of the middle service .


According to No. 7 of the Preliminary Remarks on the Fee Regulations (VKA), the “second examination” is a fundamental prerequisite for classification in pay group 9b and higher. However, both qualifications (A II and administrative specialist) are mostly used identically in all local administrations and entitle the employees equally to perform tasks (comparable higher-level service) in salary groups 9b to 12 TVöD (analogous to the salary groups of the upper-level service A 9 to A 13) . However, the prerequisite for such a classification is the actual transfer of a correspondingly rated activity.

Comparison of the pay groups according to the TVöD with the pay groups according to the BBesO

When exercising a prominent position in the public service, however, a higher grouping in a pay group comparable to the higher service (e.g. E 13) is possible with recognition of corresponding many years of professional experience (double standard period of study of a scientific university degree).

The general higher education entrance qualification obtained with the award of the “Verwaltungsfachwirt / -in” is equated in Austria with the vocational maturity test and is regarded as “B-valued” in questions of classification.


The monthly remuneration for administrative specialists for the scope of the collective agreement for the public service (TVöD), d. H. within the federal and local government, can be found in the pay tables below.

Pay for federal employees

Monthly gross wage (euros) from April 1, 2019 for federal employees
Basic pay Stages of development
level 1
1 year
level 2
3 years
level 3
6 years
level 4
10 years
level 5
15 years
level 6
E 15Ü 5,869.17 6,513.78 7,124.44 7,531.57 7,626.56
E 15 4,788.35 5,141.23 5,481.38 6,004.84 6,517.61 6,854.95
E 14 4,335.98 4,655.42 5,025.89 5,451.94 5,950.88 6,293.73
E 13 3,996.72 4,335.42 4,685.32 5,093.03 5,586.51 5,842.91
E 12 3.582.23 3,956.45 4,407.89 4,890.86 5,465.08 5,734.95
E 11 3,457.10 3,803.91 4,119.43 4,477.63 4,972.55 5,242.43
E 10 3,331.93 3,613.93 3,915.01 4,238.32 4,628.44 4,749.89
E 9 c 2,952.16 3,416.40 3,689.63 4,022.45 4,365.60 4,498.65
E 9 b 2,952.16 3,196.80 3,451.45 3,764.11 4,088.70 4,358.55

Remuneration for employees of the Association of Municipal Employers' Associations (VKA)

Monthly gross pay (euros) from April 1, 2019 for employees of the VKA (municipalities)
Basic pay Stages of development
level 1
1 year
level 2
3 years
level 3
6 years
level 4
10 years
level 5
15 years
level 6
E 15Ü 5,943.83 6,588.41 7,199.08 7,606.22 7,701.19
E 15 4,788.35 5,141.23 5,481.38 6,004.84 6,517.61 6,854.95
E 14 4,335.98 4,655.42 5,025.89 5,451.94 5,950.88 6,293.73
E 13 3,996.72 4,335.42 4,685.32 5,093.03 5,586.51 5,842.91
E 12 3,582.23 3,956.45 4,407.89 4,890.86 5,465.08 5,734.95
E 11 3,457.10 3,803.91 4,119.43 4,477.63 4,972.55 5,242.43
E 10 3,331.93 3,613.93 3,915.01 4,238.32 4,628.44 4,749.89
E 9 c 3,233.21 3,480.40 3,750.80 4,026.59 4,337.53 4,545.92
E 9 b 3,020.16 3,258.72 3,403.99 3,824.85 4,085.40 4,370.07

Further education and study

Administrative business economist

Since the turn of the millennium, there has been a radical change in the budget management of public administrations. Gradually, in many local and state administrations, cameralistic housekeeping was abolished in favor of double bookkeeping (Doppik) and cost and performance accounting (KLR). In particular in the local administrations, sub-organizations were converted into so-called "public companies" due to the great cost pressure. In order to take account of this development, the Hessian Administrative School Association, for example, offered an advanced training course for administrative specialists and graduates in administrative management (HVSV) , which covers the subject areas of legal forms of public companies, investment and financing, corporate taxation, commercial accounting, human resources management and project management includes.

Further advanced training according to the Vocational Training Act

The Bavarian Administration School offers subject-specific advanced training courses with the courses for Administrative Business Economist (BVS), Accountant (BVS) and Administrative Information Economist (BVS).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Administrative specialist . Regional council of Giessen . Retrieved May 29, 2015.
  2. The 55th meeting of the Federal BVSI in Bremen - a milestone . Retrieved May 24, 2019.
  3. Framework plan for the advanced training course to become an administrative specialist in the state of Brandenburg . Retrieved May 24, 2019.
  4. QualV: § 29 General university admission for graduates of a professional advanced training or further education examination - Citizen Service. Retrieved February 28, 2019 .
  5. Administrative specialist (BL II) - BVS. Retrieved February 26, 2019 .
  6. Administrative specialist (BL II) - BVS. Retrieved February 26, 2019 .
  7. NLSI: Administrative Specialist (VFW)
  8. HVSV: preparatory course for the advanced training examination administrative specialist  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  9. Badische Gemeindeverwaltungsschule: Administrative specialist
  10. Vocational matriculation examination. Retrieved February 26, 2019 .
  11. a b Collective Agreement for the Public Service (TVöD) ( Memento from December 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 330 kB). Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). Retrieved January 20, 2015.