Johann Rudolph Zwinger

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Johann Rudolph Zwinger (born May 3, 1692 in Basel ; † August 31, 1777 there ) was a Swiss anatomist .

His father was the medicine professor and city doctor Theodor Zwinger III. (1658-1724).

Johann Rudolf Zwinger studied medicine in Basel and Strasbourg. In 1710 he received his doctorate . After nine years as a professor of logic, he held the Basel chair of anatomy and botany from 1721 to 1724 and that of practical medicine from 1725. He was rector of the university in 1729, 1740 and 1752 .

In Basel he founded the Societas physico-medica Helvetica , which published Acta Helvetica (physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica) from 1751 to 1777 . On November 11, 1723 Johann Rudolph Zwinger with the academic surname Avicenna II was elected member ( matriculation number 365 ) of the Leopoldina .

Fonts (selection)

  • Speculum Hippocraticum. 1747.


Individual evidence

  1. Zwinger, Johann Rudolph . In: Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): German Biographical Encyclopedia Online. DeGruyter, accessed November 20, 2012.
  2. Portrait of the Basel anatomist Johann Rudolf Zwinger (1692–1777) Basel Historical Museum
  3. Bergische Universität Wuppertal: Acta Helvetica physico-mathematico-anatomico-botanico-medica (1751–1787)
  4. ^ Member entry of Johann Rudolph Zwinger at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 20, 2012.