Johann Samuel Sello

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Johann Samuel Sello (baptized November 30, 1724 in Berlin , Neue Kirche am Lindenmarkt (today Gendarmenmarkt ), † April 12, 16 or 17, 1787 in Bornstedt ) was a royal court gardener in Rheinsberg and in the kitchen garden, the so-called Marlygarten , in Sanssouci Park in Potsdam .

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Johann Samuel Sello was born in Berlin as the second son of the Planteurs in the zoo Johann Justus Sello and Rahel Güntsch (* 1735), a daughter of the mayor of Liebenwalde Justus Samuel Güntsch (Jensch).

He probably received his horticultural training from his father in the Berlin zoo, which was followed by years of traveling through Germany, Holland and France. After his return, Sello was given the position of court gardener in Rheinsberg. Clemens Alexander Wimmer dates the appointment to 1736, the “Family Foundation Hofgärtner Hermann Sello” to hardly earlier than 1744/45 .

In 1748 Sello exchanged positions in Rheinsberg with court gardener Johann Heinrich Müller, who previously worked in the kitchen garden of Sanssouci. With the help of up to fourteen gardeners, the 3.4 hectare area of ​​the kitchen garden, which was laid out in 1715 under Friedrich Wilhelm I at the gates of Potsdam, was cultivated. According to an inventory list from 1746, there were 328 fruit trees, next to them were asparagus and vegetable areas, two bean houses, from 1763 a pineapple house with canal heating, a tall greenhouse for peaches, apricots and plums and numerous cold frames, including for melons, vegetables and herbs. The 215-meter-long north wall of the garden was glazed and used to grow peaches, apricots and wine. In addition, Sello looked after a greenhouse built at the current location of the picture gallery and on the slope below the house six 89-meter-long glass retaining walls and cold frames for melons.


Gravestone on the "Sello-Friedhof", Bornstedter Friedhof

Sello probably married Friederike Maria Goeritz in 1753. After her death in May 1760, he married the widowed Maria Louisa Wulf, née Kleist (1740–1791), daughter of the brewery owner Christian Kleist, on March 18, 1761. Of his fourteen children, Carl Julius Samuel, born in his first marriage in 1757, was his successor in office in the kitchen garden of Sanssouci. Christian Ludwig Samuel , born in 1775 , called Louis, from his second marriage, later took over the office of court gardener in Caputh and then in the terrace area of ​​Sanssouci.

When Johann Samuel Sello died in 1787, he and his two wives were buried in the Bornstedt cemetery . Today's memorial stone with the wrong dates of life did not come to the so-called “Sello cemetery” until 1910, which his grandson Hermann Sello had laid out in 1844 for family members and relatives at the Bornstedter cemetery.

See also

Family tree of the gardener family Sello (extract)


  • Foundation Prussian Palaces and Gardens Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Prussian Green. Court gardener in Brandenburg-Prussia . Henschel, Potsdam 2004, ISBN 3-89487-489-9 , p. 332

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Individual evidence

  1. SPSG: Preußisch Grün , p. 332. The date of birth on the tombstone, May 12, 1715, is incorrect according to the “Family Foundation Hofgärtner Hermann Sello”.
  2. Dating on the tombstone, Bornstedter Friedhof, Potsdam and after Alexander Bethge: The old Bornstedter Kirchhof. A contribution to the history of Potsdam . Potsdam 1872.
  3. ^ After Georg Sello: Potsdam and Sans-Souci. Research and sources on the history of the castle, town and park . Breslau 1888, p. VIII and family tree of the gardener family Sello , in: SPSG: Preußisch Grün , p. 358.
  4. According to the church book entry, cf. Karlheinz Deisenroth: Märkische burial place in courtly splendor. The Bornstedt cemetery in Potsdam . Berlin 2003, p. 100.
  5. ^ Before 1724 Sell, cf. SPSG: Prussian Green , p. 332.
  6. a b c website of the “Hofgärtner Hermann Sello Family Foundation” (accessed on June 20, 2012).
  7. SPSG: Preußisch Grün , p. 47.
  8. Gerd Schurig: The blossom of the fruit culture in the Sanssouci of Frederick II. In: Foundation Prussian Palaces and Gardens Berlin-Brandenburg: Friederisiko. Frederick the Great . Hirner, Munich 2012, p. 56f.
  9. ^ Schurig, in: SPSG: Friederisiko. Frederick the Great , p. 58
  10. Friederike Maria Sello was buried on May 5, 1760 in the Bornstedt cemetery. See Deisenroth: Märkische burial place in courtly splendor. The Bornstedter Friedhof in Potsdam , p. 442.