Johann sister

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Johann Schwister (born October 11, 1862 in Bonn ; † May 5, 1921 there ) was a German architect and building contractor who mainly worked in his hometown of Bonn.

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Schwister was probably a son of the master carpenter Johann Josef Schwister. From 1885 he can be proven as an architect, from 1889 also as a building contractor with changing addresses in Bonn (Heerstraße 129, Münsterstraße 19 , Poststraße 5). In 1893 he settled in a house built according to his own plans ( Argelanderstraße 33 ) in the Südstadt , where he lived and worked until 1897/98. Then Schwister moved several times within Bonn, both privately and commercially (Lennéstraße 69, Arndtstraße 2, most recently Argelanderstraße 51), around 1900 he also owned a brick factory in Schwarzrheindorf . His company later traded as Schwister & Cie. Baugeschäft GmbH and described itself as a "technical office for architecture and construction" (status: 1912), most recently it also acted as a real estate agency (status: 1920). In Bonn's southern part of the city, one of the largest fully preserved Wilhelminian style residential areas in Germany, Schwister was one of the more important architects with at least 23 houses he designed (eight of them on his own property).

"With the inclusion of the Baroque and Rococo in the construction of his own house [Argelanderstraße 33], Schwister recommended himself to his customers as a modern architect who was stylistically up to date."


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Buildings in Bonn

construction time District address image object measure Remarks
1890 Gronau Niebuhrstrasse 46
Residential building New building Monument protection
1890 Gronau Niebuhrstrasse 48
Residential building New building Monument protection

1893 Südstadt Argelanderstraße 33 / Königstraße
Poppelsdorf 16 DB.jpg Residential building New building (client: Johann Schwister) Monument protection
1893/1894 Südstadt Weberstrasse 103-107
Residential group New building Monument protection
1894 Südstadt Argelanderstraße 37/39
Poppelsdorf 15 DB.jpg Duplex house New building Monument protection
1894 Südstadt Argelanderstraße 41
Residential building New building Monument protection
1894 Südstadt Reuterstraße 21
Residential building New building
1895 Südstadt Goebenstrasse 40
Residential building New building Monument protection
1896 Südstadt Königstrasse 65
KLG 7125, Bonn, Königstrasse 65.jpg Residential building New building Monument protection
1897 Bonn center Wilhelmstrasse 1 / Sterntorbrücke
Bonn, Wilhelmstrasse 1-20160727-001.jpg
more pictures
Hotel Restaurant New building Monument protection
1897/1898 Südstadt Weberstrasse 73
Residential building New building Monument protection
1897/1898 Südstadt Weberstrasse 75
Residential building New building Monument protection
1898 Bonn center Brückenstrasse 20 / Burgstrasse Residential and commercial buildings New building (client: BH Bloemer) not received
1898 Gronau Adenauerallee  176
Bonn-Gronau Adenauerallee 176–178.JPG Residential building New building Monument protection
1900 Südstadt Wilhelm-Levison-Strasse 22
Residential building New building Monument protection
1903 Südstadt Weberstrasse 39 / Kaiserstrasse
Residential building New building today gastronomy on the ground floor
1903 Gronau Kaiserstraße 89
Residential building New building Monument protection
1906/1907 West town Poppelsdorfer Allee 80
Residential building New building Monument protection
1911 Gronau Niebuhrstrasse 54
Residential and commercial building New building Monument protection
1912 Bonn center Markt 42 / Bonngasse
Residential and commercial building New building Monument protection

References and comments

  1. ^ Rudolf Agstner : Representation - Embassy - Branch Office: an obituary for Austria's diplomatic mission in Bonn from 1950 to 2006 . In: Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , Stadtarchiv Bonn (ed.): Bonner Geschichtsblätter: Yearbook of the Bonner Heimat- und Geschichtsverein , ISSN  0068-0052 , Volume 55/56, Bonn 2006, pp. 293–326 (here: p. 303 ).
  2. a b Address book of the city of Bonn . Printed and published by P. Neusser, Bonn 1885, p. 197. ( online )
  3. ^ Address book of the city of Bonn . Printed and published by Peter Neusser, Bonn 1889, p. 221. ( online )
  4. ^ Address book for the city of Bonn and the surrounding communities . Printed and published by Peter Neusser, Bonn 1891, p. 235. ( online )
  5. ^ A b Franz Josef Talbot (with photographs by Achim Bednorz): Bonner Südstadt . Emons Verlag, Cologne 2018, ISBN 978-3-7408-0468-8 , pp. 117, 153.
  6. ^ Address book for the city of Bonn and the surrounding communities . Printing and publishing of the General-Anzeiger for Bonn and the surrounding area, Bonn 1894, p. 221. ( online )
  7. ^ Address book for the city of Bonn and the surrounding communities . Printing and publishing of the General-Anzeiger for Bonn and the surrounding area, Bonn 1898, p. 235. ( online )
  8. ^ Address book for the city of Bonn and the surrounding communities . Printed and published by JF Carthaus, Bonn 1900, pp. 250, 368. ( online )
  9. a b Address book of the city of Bonn July 1912 to July 1913 . Printed and published by JF Carthaus, Bonn 1912, p. 451. ( online )
  10. a b Address book of the city of Bonn . Printed and published by JF Carthaus, Bonn 1920, p. 452. ( online )
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Landeskonservator Rheinland (ed.); Eberhard Grunsky , Volker Osteneck: The southern part of Bonn (= workbook 6). Second, modified edition, Rheinland-Verlag, Cologne 1976, ISBN 3-7927-0265-7 , p. 21.
  12. ^ Franz Josef Talbot (with photographs by Achim Bednorz): Bonner Südstadt . Emons Verlag, Cologne 2018, ISBN 978-3-7408-0468-8 , p. 153.
  13. ^ Franz Josef Talbot (with photographs by Achim Bednorz): Bonner Südstadt . Emons Verlag, Cologne 2018, ISBN 978-3-7408-0468-8 , p. 139.
  14. until 1977 Moltkestrasse 3
  15. to 1977 Moltkestrasse 5
  16. a b Olga Sonntag : Bonn in the Imperial Era 1871–1914. An exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the Bonn Homeland and History Association in the Rheinisches Landesmuseum in Bonn . Bonn 1986, p. 46.
  17. ^ Until 1977 Roonstrasse 22