Johann Witte (archivist)

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Johann Witte (* 1614 in Riga ; † August 27, 1657 ibid) was a German-Baltic historian and archivist.


Johann Witte was the son of the respected merchant and elder of the Great Guild in Riga, Johann Witte, the Dithmarscher . Johann Witte the Younger worked for seven years as the ambassador of the Hanseatic city of Riga at the royal Swedish court in Stockholm . In Riga he emerged as a local historian and first city archivist. He translated the town chronicle of the Rigian councilor Hermann Helewegh from the period 1454 to 1489 from Low German into High German and added the prehistoric times. Johann Witte is also the author of the first Rigian Council Line. As the city archivist, he put a collection of materials on the history of Riga in the city library there, which also documented sources that were destroyed by the fire in the city's upper chancellery in 1674. He died as a senior builder and orphan in Riga.

The literary historian Henning Witte was his younger brother.



  1. Heinrich Julius Böthführ : The Rigische Rath line from 1226 up to the present time . Müller, Riga 1857, foreword.