Johann of Montfort

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Johann von Montfort († November 27, 1283 ) was lord of Toron and Tire .

He was the son of Philip of Montfort , Lord of Castres , La Ferté-Alais and Bréthencourt , Tire and Toron, and his second wife Maria of Antioch-Armenia .

When he came of age, his father let him rule Toron , which was conquered by the Mamluks in 1266 . On September 22, 1268 he married Margarethe von Lusignan (* 1244; † 1308), daughter of Heinrich of Antioch and Isabella of Cyprus . Margarethe was the sister of King Hugo III. Cyprus , who later I. as Hugo king of Jerusalem was. On the occasion of the wedding, Hugo confirmed the Montforts' claim to ownership of Tire, but reserved the right to seize the rule if Johann and Margarethe were left without heirs.

1270 his father was of assassins murdered. Johann narrowly escaped the attack. Johann now inherited the rule of Tire from his father, which he ruled until his death in 1283. Since Johann had no children, King Hugo allowed Johann's younger brother Humfried to inherit him in Tire.

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predecessor Office successor
Philip of Montfort Lord of Toron
Philip of Montfort Lord of Tire
Humfried of Montfort