Johann von Waldburg-Sonnenberg

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Johann von Sonnenberg in the Truchsessen Chronicle

Johann von Sonnenberg Truchsess von Waldburg (* around 1470 ; † June 24, 1510 ) was a German nobleman from the Waldburg family and Count von Sonnenberg .

In 1487 he participated in a war of aggression between Archduke Siegmund of Tyrol against the Republic of Venice . In Rovereto (south of Trento), the two armies faced each other. Since nobody wanted to attack because of the good starting positions, they agreed on a duel. The 17-year old Johann von Waldburg-Sonnenberg volunteered for the armed conflict with Antonio Maria di Sanseverino, the son of the Venetian condottiere Roberto Sanseverino d'Aragona , who on June 12, 1487 under the castle Pradaglia (now ruined) on the western bank of the Adige occurred . He vowed to found a monastery in Wolfegg in case of victory . The Pappenheim'sche Truchsessenchronik reports on the rules of the duel: "Wölcher among the two would scream" Catharina ", he should have lost the fight and his reputation" . When Count Johann fell from his horse, the fight continued on the ground. Count Johannes managed to stab the Venetian in the thigh with a dagger. Startled this shouted "Catharina!" and gave up with it.

In fulfillment of the vow and with the permission of Pope Julius II , Count Johannes built a little monastery from 1502, including a three-aisled basilica with pointed arched windows , straight choir and roof turrets .

After his early death in 1510, his heir and son-in-law Truchsess Georg III, the so-called " Bauernjörg ", completed the building, handed the monastery over to the Franciscans and in 1519 transformed it into an Augustinian collegiate monastery " with 1 provost, 9 world priests, 4 students and 1 schoolmaster ".

Johann von Sonnenburg was married to a Countess von Salm.


  • Otto Schmid: Parish Church Wolfegg . (= Art Guide ; Volume 937). 6th, revised edition. Schnell and Steiner, Regensburg 1998 ISBN 3-7954-4672-4

Web links

Commons : Johann von Waldburg-Sonnenberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files