Johanna Hodel

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Johanna Hodel (born July 5, 1910 in Lucerne ; † November 3, 1993 there ; entitled to live there ) was a Swiss social worker and cantonal councilor from the canton of Lucerne .


Johanna Hodel was a daughter of Niklaus Hodel and Elise Felix. She was a sister of Robert Hodel, city ​​councilor in Lucerne. Hodel completed a commercial apprenticeship. She earned her diploma as a social worker with her work in hospitality and welfare . Then she founded and directed the hospitality industry - caring . From 1962 to 1969 she looked after foreign workers . From 1969 to 1977 she founded and ran a welfare office for alimony collection and advice for women.

As a member of the liberal faction 1971-1978 officiated Hodel one of the first Lucerne Grossrätinnen . In 1975 she was the age president. She wrote articles on women's rights and women's issues for various magazines . From 1958 to 1970 she was a member of the penal commission of the Sedel penal institution in Lucerne and assumed protective supervision patronage for released prisoners in the cantons of Bern and Lucerne.


  • Roman Bussmann: Lucerne Grand Council biographies 1831–1987 in the Lucerne State Archives .
  • Luzerner Tagblatt from January 18, 1977.
  • Lucerne latest news magazine from March 28, 1983.

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