Johannes Driedo

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Johannes Driedo or Johannes Nys (* around 1480 near Turnhout ; † August 4, 1535 in Leuven ) was a Belgian theologian .


Driedo first studied the liberal arts at the University of Leuven from 1491 . In 1499 he began studying theology. In 1513 he obtained a doctorate in theology, became a professor at the theological faculty and also held the office of rector of the university. Until his death in 1535 he also worked as a pastor at St. Jacob's Church in Löwen.

As early as 1520 he tried to refute the Lutheran teaching . On the other hand, he turned against Erasmus of Rotterdam , whom he accused of reviving Pelagianism .


Driedo's work De Ecclesiasticis scripturis et dogmatibus of 1533 was influential. Driedo's concern was a correct interpretation of the Holy Scriptures . In this work, according to Heribert Smolinsky , "he combined humanistic fatherly theology with scholasticism".

Hubert Filser writes: Driedo “repeatedly taught that the dogmas related to faith must be mentioned somehow in the Holy Scriptures. According to him, the teaching of Christ and the apostles, expressed in the canonical scriptures, contains all the dogmas necessary for the salvation of the human race ”. The moral doctrines, on the other hand, are contained in parts in Scripture and in parts in tradition. This already anticipates the decisive passage of Professio fidel Tridentina Pius IV .


  • De ecclesiasticis scripturis et dogmatibus libri quattuor (Löwen 1533)
  • De captivitate et redemptione generis humani liber unus (Leuven 1534)
  • De Concordia liberi arbitrii et praedestinationis divinae liber unus (Löwen 1537)
  • De gratia et libero arbitrio libri duo (Lions 1537)
  • De libertate christiana libri tres (lions 1540)


  • Michael Kreuzer: "And the word became flesh". On the meaning of the human being of Jesus in Johannes Driedo and Martin Luther. Bonifatius, Paderborn 1998.
  • Marcel Gielis: Johannes Driedo. Advocate of tradition in the conflict with humanism and the Reformation. In: Martin H. Jung , Peter Walter (Ed.): Theologians of the 16th century. Humanism — Reformation — Catholic Renewal. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2002, pp. 135–53.
  • Ronny Baier:  DRIEDO (ENS), Johannes (actually Johann Nys). In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume XXII (2003), Bautz,, Sp. 280-284.


Individual evidence

  1. Heribert Smolinsky: Scripture and teaching post. Setting the course in the Roman Catholic Church of the 16th century . In: Eßer, Hans Helmut u. a. (Ed.): Understanding and Use of Scripture . Herder [u. a.], Freiburg im Breisgau [u. a.] 1998, ISBN 3-525-56931-9 .
  2. Filser, Hubert: Dogma, Dogmen, Dogmatik: an investigation into the justification and the history of the development of a theological discipline from the Reformation to the Late Enlightenment . Lit, Münster 2001, ISBN 3-8258-5221-0 , pp. 124 .
  3. Merkt, Andreas: The patristic principle: a study on the theological significance of the church fathers . Brill, Leiden 2001, ISBN 90-04-12221-4 , pp. 156 .