Johannes Fleischer the Elder

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Johannes Fleischer the Elder (born March 29, 1539 in Breslau ; † March 4, 1593 ibid) was a Silesian Lutheran theologian and late humanist.

De iridibus doctrina Aristotelis et Vitellionis , 1571


Fleischer studied at the University of Wittenberg from October 5, 1557 , where he earned a master's degree . In 1567 he became a professor at the Latin School in Goldberg . Because of the rampant plague there, he went back to Wittenberg to the university and taught here in private lectures for some time.

In 1572 he was appointed to the noon preacher at the Elisabeth Church and professor of the associated school in Breslau. In 1583 he was appointed pastor of the Maria Magdalena church in Breslau and professor at the Maria Magdalenen grammar school . He acquired together with the Szczecin priest Konrad Bergius the Elder on July 4, 1589, the licentiate in theology and was David Voit on July 15, 1589 to the doctor of theology doctorate . Soon afterwards he was appointed pastor of the main Protestant church in Wroclaw, the Elisabeth Church, and was appointed as the successor to Petrus Vincentius to inspect the Protestant churches and schools in Wroclaw.

Fleischer died after a botched blood-letting to gangrene . Of his sons Joachim (1587–1645) became a pastor and in 1637, like him, church and school inspector. His son of the same name Johannes Fleischer the Younger (1582–1608) became a doctor and was the first German to come to Virginia in 1607 and thus to North America, where he died after about 15 months.


For a complete directory, see the directory of the 16th century prints published in the German-speaking area (VD 16) .

Fleischer was particularly known for his work on the rainbow , which he wrote in Goldberg , one of the first attempts to explain it scientifically.

  • De Iridibus doctrina Aristotelis et Vitellionis, certa methodo comprehensa. Crato, Wittenberg 1571 ( digitized ; digitized ).


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