Johannes Frisch

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Johannes "Hans" Frisch (* 1628 in Linz ; † 1673/1675 in Stadtamhof ) was an Austrian baroque sculptor and carpenter in Linz and Stadtamhof.

Johannes Frisch was the son of the Linz carpenter and altar builder Andreas Frisch († 1661). In 1650 he married in Vienna , but lived in Linz again in the following years. After 1660 he moved with his family to Stadtamhof near Regensburg , where he died before 1675. His works include sculpting on the altar in the Ölberg chapel of the Linz parish church from 1652 (painting by Joachim Sandrart ) and on the triumphal arch for the reception of Emperor Leopold I from 1658. His eldest son Johann Christian Frisch also took up the profession of sculptor. His son Johann Gottfried, born in 1656, is most likely identical to the well-known Lower Bavarian sculptor Johann Gottfried Frisch († 1732).


  • General artist lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Volume 45, Saur, Munich / Leipzig 2005, p. 256.
  • Stefan Hess : The “Basel Council Table” by Johann Christian Frisch. Basler Kostbarkeiten 28, Basel 2007, ISBN 978-3-9523034-5-0 , p. 9.
  • Georg Wacha : Chronicle of the Upper Austrian carpenter. Typescript. Linz 1993, supplement, p. 18.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stefan Hess: The "Basler Council Table" by Johann Christian Frisch.