Donal Fox

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Donal Fox (born July 17, 1952 in Boston ) is an American pianist and composer who is active in the field of classical music as well as jazz .

Live and act

In his Jazz Duet Series , Fox worked with musicians such as Oliver Lake , John Stubblefield , Bill Pierce , David Murray , Elliott Sharp , Regina Carter , Andrew Cyrille , Stefon Harris , Al Foster , Gary Burton and John Patitucci and the lyricist Quincy Troupe and performed Recordings with them.

In the 1991/92 season he was the first African-American composer-in-residence of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra , and from 1993 to 1994 he was a guest of the Library of Congress on a program on National Public Radio and Harvard University . In 1998 he played the world premiere of Anthony Kelley's piano concerto Africamerica with the Richmond Symphony Orchestra , for which he composed and improvised several cadenzas and solo parts.

At the American Composer Orchestra Improvise Festival 2002/03 he gave the New York world premiere of TJ Anderson's piano concerto Boogie Woogie Concertante . In this eight-movement work, which Anderson composed for him, the entire solo part of the piano is to be improvised. In 2003/04 Fox was Artist in Residence at the Guthrie Center in Northern Ireland and the Upper Palatinate Künstlerhaus in Schwandorf.

Fox received a Guggenheim grant in 1997 , a grant from the Fondazione Bogliasco in 1998 and was nominated for the CalArts / Alpert Award in the Arts in 1999, 2001 and 2003 .


  • Dialectics for two pianos,
  • Chords (4) from TJ Anderson's "Intermezzi" for piano
  • Duetto for clarinet and piano
  • Jazz Sets and Tone Rows for saxophone and piano

Discographic notes

Web links