Johannes Klein (Germanist)

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Johannes Klein (born October 2, 1904 in Gummersbach , † November 21, 1973 in Wehrda (Marburg) ) was a German specialist in German.


Klein's dissertation on " Walter Flex , an interpreter of the World War" (Marburg 1928) identified him as a national and right-wing extremist. From 1925 to 1927 he belonged to the Stahlhelm and to the more radical Bund Oberland , which had participated in Hitler's attempted coup in 1923. In 1933, Klein became a private lecturer in German literary history at the Philipps University of Marburg . He signed the confession of professors at German universities and colleges about Adolf Hitler . Nevertheless, in March 1933 he married a woman who was “ half-Jewish ” according to Nazi criteria . According to the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1938 he lost his teaching license and went to Sweden. From 1940 he worked as a lecturer at the "German Academy" in Gothenburg . After 1945 he returned, was rehabilitated and initially assistant, 1948 adjunct professor; from 1959 until his retirement in 1970 he held a full professorship in Marburg. He dealt with German poetry, the novella and edited the work of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach .

Fonts (selection)

  • Return to German poetry , 1948
  • History of the German novella from Goethe to the present , 1954
  • History of German Poetry. From Luther to the end of the Second World War in 1957; 2nd edition 1960
  • Hermann Löns today and then , 1966


  • Anne Christine Nagel u. a. (ed.): The Philipps University of Marburg under National Socialism. Documents on their history , Steiner, Stuttgart 2000