Johannes Noodt

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Johannes Noodt , actually Jakob Johann August Noodt (born December 15, 1781 in Oldesloe , † November 23, 1851 in Hamburg ) was a German art dealer and auctioneer.


Johannes Noodt was a son of the chancellery and then mayor of Oldesloe Christian August Noodt (1734-1802), whose family came from Holland. He was originally intended to study medicine, but the fire in Oldesloe in May 1798 and the losses suffered by the family made studying impossible.

He was sent to Hamburg to become a businessman. However, the art things in his family had aroused his love for art in him early on. During his apprenticeship, he met Johannes Michael Speckter and JH Krüger, who advised him to become a broker in the art field. From 1810 he worked as a broker in paintings, copperplate engravings, other works of art, coins, natural objects, etc. in Hamburg.

The business premises of the art dealer were on Valentinskamp, ​​from 1821 on Große Johannisstraße 48, in 1827 on Große Reichenstraße 23. In 1821, Noodt employed Georg Ernst Harzen . Harzen, who was considered a recognized expert in graphic works of art, ran at least 20 large art auctions until 1847.

A great number of works of art passed through Noodt's hands and business. The number of catalogs he produced is more than a hundred and contains many important collections. In 1817 he tried to set up an art association by exhibiting a collection of paintings entrusted to his care and his own portfolios and art books in his own shop , but found no support from the Hamburg public.

Noodt was a very skilled draftsman, art turner and skilled restorer of paintings; he also had good knowledge as a numismatist.

Noodt was married to Eleonore Margaretha, born on January 24, 1817. Palm († November 23, 1851 in Hamburg). He died of a breast disease .

Auctions and catalogs (selection)

  • Directory of a collection of original oil paintings, hand drawings, etchings, etc. Copper engravings ... also belonging to some art books from the estate of Mr. JH Kröger, which were published on August 17th. J. ... are to be sold publicly ... by the brokers PH Pakischefsky and Joh. Noodt. Hamburg: Pakischefsky 1812
  • Directory of a collection of coins and thalers collected by the late ST Mr. Heinrich Krull, which are to be sold to the public on November 3rd and the following days of the year by the Mackler Johannes Noodt, (Hüxter, No. 68). Hamburg: Otto 1817
  • April 26, 1819: Joachim Friedrich Bolten Collection
    • Boltenianum Museum. Directory of the deceased Mr. Joachim Friedrich Bolten MD and Physicus in Hamburg: the excellent collection of conchies, minerals and art objects left behind on April 26th. J., to be sold to the public at 10 a.m. by the broker Johs. Noodt 1819
  • 1822: Daniel Stenglin collection , the most important private collection in Hamburg at the time
  • September 4, 1822: salvaged cargo from the ship Gottfried
  • Directory of the excellent painting collection, which was formerly in the possession of the late Mr. Etatsrath von Stenglin. Hamburg: Hammerich & Heineking 1822
  • July 21, 1823: Peter Godeffroy Collection
    • Directory of the painting collection of the late Mr. Peter Godeffroy Sr. J. and the following days are to be sold here in the Börsen-Saale; (Completed XLVI. Catalog.) Hamburg 1823 ( digitized )
  • Directory of the painting collection of the wife of the widow of the late Mr. Heinr. Theunes de Jager: ... through which the sale will take place in the stock exchange on April 22nd and the following days. (XLVII. Catalog) Hamburg: Müller 1823
  • Directory of a very excellent collection of paintings made up of excellent and well-preserved masterpieces by the best artists of all schools, past and present. J. and the following days, in the great Reichenstrasse No. 28, is being sold by the broker Johannes Noodt. Hamburg: Müller 1823 ( digitized version )
  • The painting and antique collection on the noble Guthe Emkendorff in Holstein. (J. Noodt's LXXV. Catalog) Altona: und hammerich and Heineking 1829 ( digitized , Kiel University Library )
  • Directory of a numismatic collection of ancient, Greek, Roman, medieval, and subsequent times coins, whose public sale with d. November 30th ... in Hamburg ... begins. (Catalog XC) Altona: Hammerich & Lesser 1835


  • The art of cleaning old oil paintings. Based on almost 50 years of experience. Berendsohn, Hamburg 1853.


  • Noodt, Johannes (rectius Jacob Joh. August). In: Hamburgisches Künstler-Lexikon. Volume 1: The visual artists. Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg 1854, p. 178 f. .
  • Noodt (Johannes, rectius Jacob Johann August). In: Hans Schröder (Hrsg.): Lexicon of the Hamburg writers up to the present. Volume 5: Maack - Pauli. Association for Hamburg History, Hamburg 1870, pp. 563–564, No. 2834 .
  • Noodt (Johannes, rectius Jacob Johann August). In: Eduard Maria Oettinger : Moniteur des Dates. Contenant un million de renseignements biographiques, généalogiques et historiques. Volume 9 = Supplément 3: Supplémen et appendice. Rédigés, tenus à jour et éd. by Hugo Schramm-Macdonald. Hermann, Leipzig 1882, p. 80 .


  1. ^ Hamburgisches Künstler-Lexikon. Volume 1. Hamburg 1854, p. 309.
  2. ^ Thomas Ketelsen: Hamburg collections in the 18th and early 19th centuries. In: Ulrich Luckhardt, Uwe M. Schneede (Hrsg.): Private treasures. About collecting art in Hamburg until 1933. Christians et al., Hamburg 2001, ISBN 3-7672-1383-4 , pp. 22-25.