Johannes Tonio Kreusch

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Johannes Tonio Kreusch (* 1970 in Munich ) is a German guitarist , composer and music teacher.

Live and act

Kreusch grew up in Ottobrunn . His mother is the concert pianist and music teacher Dorothée Kreusch-Jacob . He studied with Eliot Fisk and Joaquín Clerch at the Salzburg Mozarteum and then classical guitar in Sharon Isbin's master class at the Juilliard School in New York . Since his debut in 1996 he has appeared as a soloist and chamber music partner at home and abroad. He teaches seminars, advanced training courses and master classes and is a lecturer at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich .

His numerous CD and radio recordings for labels such as DGG, Arte Nova, BMG, Sony, Oehms Classics not only include the standard repertoire, but also world premiere recordings of contemporary music as well as his own compositions.

In addition to classical music, he also devotes himself to improvised music and jazz. In recent times he has worked with musicians such as Ornette Coleman , Markus Stockhausen or his brother the pianist Cornelius Claudio Kreusch , with whom he founded his own music publishing house for contemporary music. Through his collaboration with composers, numerous new works for guitar, etc. a. the Cuban composer Tulio Peramo Kreusch dedicated his second guitar concerto.

Johannes Tonio Kreusch is the author of numerous guitar-pedagogical publications and artistic director of the International Guitar Festival in Hersbruck and the Ottobrunn Concerts.

Prizes and awards

Kreusch was awarded the German Record Critics' Prize , the Leonhard and Ida Wolf Memorial Prize for Music of the City of Munich, the French Classica Repertoire Prize and the Artist International Award, New York.

Discographic notes

  • 2012 - Homage to Heitor Villa-Lobos
  • 2010 - Melting Box
  • 2008 - Art Of The Guitar
  • 2006 - Crystallization
  • 2003 - panta rhei
  • 2001 - Inspiración
  • 2000 - Portraits Of Cuba
  • 1999 - Villa-Lobos: Ginastera
  • 1994 - Ginastera - Bach - Brouwer

Web links


  1. |
  2. | Interview with the Kreusch brothers ( Memento of the original from August 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. | Jazzzeitung: Interview with JT Kreusch