Johannes Trommer

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Siegfried Johannes Trommer (born July 5, 1951 in Ellefeld ) is a former German diplomat who was most recently ambassador to Paraguay . He has been retired since 2016.


After graduating from high school in 1971, Trommer began studying law and passed the first state examination in 1975 and, after completing his preparatory service, the second state examination in 1977. He then worked for the Stuttgarter Volksbank AG before completing preparatory service for the senior foreign service from 1979 to 1981 .

After completing his career examination for the higher foreign service in 1981, Trommer worked between 1981 and 1982 in the Federal Chancellery in Bonn as a political advisor and then from 1982 to 1985 in the Foreign Office . During this time he put in 1985 at the University of Tübingen his promotion to Dr. jur. with a dissertation on the subject of the intermediary organizations of foreign cultural policy .

Subsequently, Trommer was used between 1985 and 1989 at the embassy in Chile and then from 1989 to 1992 at the consulate general in Boston , where he acted as permanent representative of the consul general. After working at the embassy in Belgium from 1992 to 1995 and subsequently as a speaker at the Foreign Office, he worked at the embassy in the Netherlands between 1999 and 2002 .

In 2002 Trommer became Permanent Representative of the Ambassador to Australia and then from 2006 to 2009 Head of Division in the Foreign Office, before he served as Permanent Representative of the Ambassador to Denmark between 2009 and 2012 .

In September 2012, Trommer was ambassador to Honduras , where he successor of the retirement came Karl-Heinz Rode was. From 2014 until retirement he was ambassador to Paraguay.


  • The intermediary organizations of foreign cultural policy , Tübingen 1985

Web links

  • Curriculum vitae (PDF; 49 kB) on the homepage of the embassy in Honduras (page accessed on June 28, 2013)