Johannes Waldner

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Johannes Waldner (* 1749 in Amlach near Spittal an der Drau , Carinthia ; † December 14, 1824 in Raditschew) was a representative of the Hutterites , who was best known for the Hutterite Chronicle Klein-Geschichtbuch .


Waldner was born in 1749 in a Lutheran family in Amlach near Spittal an der Drau in Carinthia . In 1755 Waldner had to emigrate to Transylvania together with his parents and other Carinthian Protestants ( Landler ) . Here part of the group joined the Hutterites, who came from the Anabaptist movement , which led to a revival of the religious community, which had been severely weakened by re-Catholicization . John's parents also joined the Hutterites in 1763. Johannes Waldner himself was baptized on April 17, 1767 in the Hutterite parish in Kreuz.

In the same year he took part in the escape of the Hutterites across the Carpathian Mountains to Wallachia . The hopes for a new beginning of the Hutterite community life in Wallachia were not fulfilled. After a typhus epidemic and several riots as a result of the Russo-Turkish War, the remaining Hutterites moved to Wischenka and later to Radichev in Ukraine . In the Ukraine Waldner was finally elected preacher in 1782 and head of the entire brotherhood in 1794.

Waldner saw his task primarily in the revival of the Hutterite community ideal. In the internal conflict that broke out in 1818 about the future of the religious community, he campaigned intensively for the continuation of the primitive community of property . Waldner also collected earlier Hutterite sermons and published sermon books himself. In 1793 he began to write the Chronicle of the Hutterites, later known as the Small History Book, which was to become a continuation of the Great History Book, which goes back to Kaspar Braitmichel . Both history books now form an invaluable legacy in the history of the Hutterite denomination.

Johannes Waldner was married twice. He had nine children with his first wife Maria Naegeler, whom he married in 1773. After Maria's death he married the widow Elisabeth Hofer. Johannes Waldner died in December 1824 at the age of 75.


  • Andreas Johannes Friedrich Zieglschmid (Ed.): The small history book of the Hutterite brothers. The Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1947.

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