Johannes van Muyden

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Johannes van Muyden

Johannes van Muyden (born January 26, 1652 in Utrecht ; † May 25, 1729 there ) was a Dutch lawyer.


The son of Johann van Muyden and his wife Aletta Splinter received their basic education at the Hieronymus School in Utrecht. At the beginning of 1673 he enrolled under the rectorate of Johannes de Bruin at the University of Utrecht and received his doctorate on June 21, 1673 with the Disputatio juridica inauguralis ad legem juliam & papiam . He then became a fourth grade teacher at the Hieronymus School in the same year and rose to become vice rector of the educational institution in 1679. On December 27, 1680, the curators of the Utrecht University appointed him extraordinary professor of Roman law at the Faculty of Law, which he took up on February 10, 1681 with the speech De justitia .

On October 8, 1683, he became a full professor of Roman law, which he remained until his retirement in 1723. He passed away six years later. As a Utrecht university professor, he had also participated in the organizational tasks of the academy and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1687/88, 1701/02, 1713/14 and 1719/20 . In addition, he gave the speeches Oraties de Fide haereticis servanda , de Constantia maiorum in constituenda hac republica , An Judaei tempore Servatoris habuerint merum imperium and de Philosophis et medicis at the resignation of the rectorate . He was also a councilor (senator?) In the Chamber of the Vianen Court of Justice.

Muyden was married twice. His first marriage was in 1673 with Petronella van Dael († 1683). He went into his second marriage in 1684 with Adriana van Benthem. Different children come from the marriages.


  • Compendiosa Institutionum Justiniani Tractatio in usum collegiorum. Utrecht 1694
  • Compendiosa Pandectarum Tractatio, cui Divortia Juris Canonici a Civili suis locis subjecta sunt, edita in usum collegiorum. Utrecht 1695


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