Johannes von Werden

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Johannes von Werden († August 6, 1648 ) was a Roman Catholic priest and abbot of the Marienfeld monastery .


After Johannes von Werden was appointed provost in Benninghausen monastery in 1632 , he was elected abbot of Marienfeld monastery in 1634. Since the Thirty Years' War raged during his reign , the abbot lived with his convent in exile in Warendorf .

The abbot carried out an administrative reform in the monastery. Office titles and areas of responsibility were canceled and merged. Interest, income and assets were from now on administered together.

After twelve years he returned the office of abbot in 1646 and died on August 6, 1648. During his tenure, eight brothers were accepted into the monastery, one of whom left the novitiate .


  • Rudolf Böhmer, Paul Leidinger: Chronicles and documents on the history of the Cistercian Abbey Marienfeld 1185–1803. Self-published by the parish, Marienfeld 1998, ISBN 3-921961-09-8 .
  • Walter Werland: Marienfelder Chronik . Marienfeld 1981, DNB  730508374 (published on behalf of the Marienfeld municipality, Marienfeld).
predecessor Office successor
Requinus round Abbot of Marienfeld
Jodocus Caesem