John Defferary

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John Defferary , (* 27. March 1941 in London ) is an English jazz - clarinet (also tenor saxophone and basset horn ).

John Defferary at a concert in Hofheim (Taunus) (2009)


Defferary came into contact with traveling jazz musicians in his father's pub. He first played in the New Teao Brass Band and the Uncle John Renshaw's Band . At the age of 21 he went on tour of America with the Barry Martyn Band for two years. In Los Angeles he became a student of the clarinetist Barney Bigard . Later he often moved back to the USA. Among his influences he counts Louis Cottrell Jr. , Ed Hall , Raymond Burke and Albert Nicholas , with whom he met in America.

Then he was with Keith Smith's Climax Jazz Band for three years . In 1966 and 1967 he led the Creole Jazz Band and then worked in John Keen's New Orleans Band . He then worked with Mike Casimir's Paragon Brass Band, with Barry Martyn, Pat Hawes, John Chilton and Ken Colyer .

Defferary made recordings with Louis Barbarin , Albert Nicholas , Alton Purnell , Sammy Price and champion Jack Dupree . In 1971 Defferary became a member of the Trevor Richards New Orleans Trio ; he stayed in this band for twelve years and toured around the world with it. He also directed the Superjazz quintet together with Bob Barton from 1981 to 1984 .

John Defferary with Papa Bues Viking Jazzband on July 7, 1992 in Braunschweig, Burgpassage

From 1985 Defferary played a prominent role in the Danish Papa Bue's Viking Jazzband , of which he was a member for twelve years. In 1997 and 1998 he made CD recordings with the American pianist Ralph Sutton .

From August 1998 to November 2006 John Defferary was a member of the European Chris Barber Jazz & Blues Band . He impressed with his virtuosity, his Creole, incomparably swinging clarinet and his dynamic saxophone playing.

In 2006 Defferary decided to spend less time on touring in order to have more time for music projects with Lars Edegran's New Orleans Gospelgroup, with Peter 'Banjo' Meyer's European Jazzgiants and as a guest in the Reimer von Essen Trio and again in the Trevor Richards New Orleans Trio play.

From 2011 to autumn 2019, John Defferary was clarinetist with the Maryland Jazz Band of Cologne . He is still a member of the New Orleans Joymakers .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Brief portrait (New Orleans Jazz Band of Cologne)
  2. Joymakers