John Stephenson Spink

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John Stephenson Spink (born August 22, 1909 in Pickering , North Yorkshire , † 1985 ) was a British Romanist and French scholar .


Spink studied at the University of Leeds (graduating in 1930) and was a lecturer at the Sorbonne and teaching assistant at the Lycée Henri IV . In 1933 he received his doctorate from Daniel Mornet with the Thèse Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Genève. Essai sur les idées politiques et religieuses de Rousseau dans leur relation avec la pensée genevoise au XVIIIe siècle pour servir d'introduction aux "Lettres écrites de la Montagne" (Paris, Boivin, 1934). He taught at his home university in England from 1933, from 1937 to 1950 at King's College London , then for two years at the University of Southampton and finally from 1952 until his retirement (as successor to Gladys Turquet-Milnes ) at the Chair of French at Bedford College in London. Spink was married to the Romance scholar Dorothy Knowles .


  • (Ed.) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire , Paris, Didier, 1948 (critical edition).
  • French free-thought from Gassendi to Voltaire , London, Athlone, 1960.
    • La libre pensée française de Gassendi à Voltaire , Paris, Editions sociales, 1966.


  • Woman and society in 18th-century France. Essays in honor of John Stephenson Spink , London, Athlone, 1979.
  • French Studies 39, 1985, p. 504 (obituary, English)

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