John Swinburne (politician, 1930)

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John Swinburne (born July 4, 1930 in Pennsylvania , † October 1, 2017 ) was an American-Scottish politician and member of the Scottish Senior Citizens Unity Party (SSCUP).


When John Swinburne was seven years old, his family moved to Motherwell . He attended Dalziel High School and then worked as an engineer and freelance journalist. He was also president of Motherwell FC and authored several books, including the Motherwell Football Club photo book and the Motherwell Football Club Chronicle : A History of "The Steelmen," 1886-1986 .

Political career

Swinburne was a co-founder of the SSCUP and stood in the Scottish general election in 2003 as the top candidate in the electoral region of Central Scotland . Although the party was only able to get 6.5% of the vote, this was enough to gain a seat in parliament. In addition, Swinburne ran for the direct mandate in the constituency of Motherwell and Wishaw , but received only the fifth highest number of votes. He managed to get more votes than the Liberal Democrat candidate . During his time as a MP, Swinburne dealt with the issues of seniors and education. In 2006 Swinburne campaigned for the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools. The proposal met with widespread opposition. In the 2007 parliamentary elections , the SSCUP lost its mandate. Swinburne ran again in the constituency of Motherwell and Wishaw, but had no chance. In 2009 Labor politician Michael Martin resigned his House of Commons mandate for the constituency of Glasgow North East and new elections were scheduled for the constituency. After Swinburne initially announced that he would run as a successor, he withdrew due to unforeseen circumstances in October of that year. Also in the parliamentary elections in 2011 Swinburne ran again for his constituency, but could not get the majority of the vote. To this day, Swinburne is the only SSCUP politician to win a seat in parliament.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. John Swinburne: 1930-2017 , Motherwell FC Homepage, October 1, 2017 (English)
  2. a b c Entry on ( Memento from May 9, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  3. BBC News: Scottish election: All Scotland Pensioner Party profile , April 13, 2011
  4. ^ Results of the general election 2003 on the Scottish Parliament website
  5. ^ Results of the general election 2003 on the Scottish Parliament website
  6. Information on the pages of the Scottish Parliament
  7. BBC News: EIS rejects belt classroom call , June 7, 2006
  8. Information from the Scottish Parliament (PDF; 10 kB)
  9. Results of the 2007 general election on the Scottish Parliament website
  10. BBC News: Martin confirms resignation as MP , May 20, 2009
  11. ^ STV-TV: John Swinburne confirms candidacy for Glasgow by-election
  12. BBC News: Greens launch by-election drive , October 21, 2009
  13. ^ Results of the general election 2003 on the Scottish Parliament website