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Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Wood sorrel (Oxalidales)
Family : Connaraceae
Genre : Jollydora
Scientific name

Jolly Dora is a plant kind from the family of connaraceae . The genus is native to central Africa .


Jollydora are usually unbranched sapling . The large leaves are pinnate unpaired. The inflorescence is either a raceme or a bunch of califlower flowers or is axillary. The heterotristyl flowers are hermaphroditic and five-fold.

The petals are outside and inside bare, as are the stamens and - usually - the pen , wearing the but occasionally individual hairs. There is only one carpel . The fruit is a sessile or stalked follicle that is bare outside and inside. It does not open either during or after maturity.

The one or two seeds are attached to the inside of the bellows and have a fleshy outer layer, the so-called sarcotesta , which almost completely envelops the seeds. One endosperm is missing, the radicle is pointed, the cotyledons thick.


The genus is ancient , the species are found in central Africa.


The genus forms its own tribe Jollydoreae in the family. There are only three types including:


  • RHMJ Lemmens et al .: Connaraceae. In: Klaus Kubitzki (Ed.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants - Volume VI - Flowering Plants - Dicotyledons - Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. 2004, pp. 74-81