Jomtob Lipmann Muhlhausen

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Jomtob Lipmann Mühlhausen ( Jomtow Lipmann, from Mühlhausen) was a rabbi and halachist in Bohemia in the late 14th and early 15th centuries, who also worked temporarily in Vienna and Poland . He represented a peculiar combination of Maimonid philosophy and Kabbalah .

His Sefer ha-Nizzachon, ספר הנצחון 'Book of Victory' contains a staunch defense of Judaism and has had a powerful influence on later generations. J. Chr. Wagenseil has a Latin translation of the summary in poetry , Zikron Sefer ha-nizzachon (whose attribution to Lipmann is doubtful after Abraham Geiger ) in his book Tela ignea Satanae 'Die Feuerpfeile des Satans' , 1681, p. 107 -117, recorded.


  • Liber Nizachon Rabbi Lipmanni. Conscriptus anno à Christo nato M.CCC.XCIX. diuq [ue] desideratus: nec ita pridem, fato singulari, è Judaeorum manibus excussus, oppositus Christianis, Sadducaeis atque aliis. Editus typis Academicis Curante Theodorico Hackspan, Vinariensi, Linguae Sanctae Professore Altdorfino. Endter, Nuremberg 1644 ( cataloged by the Berlin State Library ) ( scan in the Google book search).
  • R. Lipamanni [di Jōmṭōb Mühlhausen] Disputatio adversus Christianos ad Josuae, Judicum… libros… Latin translation by Sebald Schnell. Scherff, Altdorf 1645 ( scan in Google book search).
  • Carmen Memoriale Libri Nizzachon a R. Lipmanno compositi. Ei subjungitur sedula solidaque Confvtatio. In: Tela ignea satanae, hoc est arcani & horribiles Judaeorum adversus Christvm Devm & Christianam religionem libri anekdotoi. Joh. Christophorvs Wagenseilivs ex Europae Africaeque latebris erutos in lucem protrusit theologorum Christianorum fidei ad tanto rectius meditandum ea, quae conversionem miserrimae gentis Judaicae iuvare possunt illos commitens commendansque. Schönnerstaedt, Altdorf 1681, pp. 105–117; Confutatio pp. 118–140 ( scan in Google book search).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This book is one of the "most widespread products" of the Jewish apologetics against mission to the Jews . Paul Rieger: Mission to the Jews. In: Jewish Lexicon. Lim. by Georg Herlitz and Bruno Kirschner. Volume III .: Ib-Ma. Jüdischer Verlag, Berlin 1929, OCLC 614383531 , Sp. 434–437, here Sp. 436 (under the author's abbreviation "P. R."; online ); Reprint of the 1st edition by Athenäum Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1987, ISBN 3-610-00400-2 , here Volume III: Ib-Ma, DNB 820798606 .
  2. Gotthard Deutsch, M. Seligsohn: LIPMANN-MÜLHAUSEN, YOM-ṬOB BEN SOLOMON. In: Jewish Encyclopedia (English).