Jonas Balys

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Jonas Balys (born July 2, 1909 in Krasnava , Wolost Kupiškis ; † September 9, 2011 ) was a Lithuanian ethnologist, folklorist and professor .


In 1924 Jonas Balys graduated from the Progymnasium Kupiškis and in 1928 the teacher training college in Panevėžys . From 1928 he studied history, ethnology and folklore at the Lietuvos universitetas in Kaunas . Balys was a member of the youth organization Tautinio jaunimo sąjunga "Jaunoji Lietuva" and from 1929 to 1930 editor of "Jaunoji Lietuva". He then studied at the University of Graz . In 1933 he graduated from the University of Vienna . Balys received his doctorate with the thesis " Shamanism in Malacca and Indonesia ". Then he continued his education in Finland . With the work " Griaustinis ir velnias Baltoskandijos kraštų tautosakoje" he was at the Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas (VDU) in the history of habilitation . Between 1934 and 1935 he taught at the VDU and from 1942 to 1943 at the Vilniaus universitetas in Vilnius .

In 1944 Balys emigrated to Freiburg im Breisgau and worked in the German Folk Song Archive under the direction of John Meier . He had taken copies of the Lithuanian folk tales from Lithuania and wrote some studies in German such as “Lithuanian wedding customs ” and “ Carnival customs in Lithuania”. He published "Folk Character and Folk Customs of the Lithuanians " and "Lithuanian Folk Customs: Folklore Sketches".

Between 1946 and 1948 he taught at the Baltic University in Hamburg . From 1948 he lived in the USA. From 1956 to 1981 he worked at the Library of Congress .

Publications (selection)

  • Lithuanian folk legends. Kaunaus 1940 (= Publication of the Lithuanian Folklore Archives. Volume 1).

