Joost van den Biesen

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Joost van den Biesen MAfr (born April 16, 1913 in Breda ; † March 4, 2001 ) was a Roman Catholic Bishop and Vicar Apostolic of Abercorn .


Joost van den Biesen joined the religious order of the Society of Missionaries of Africa and was ordained a priest on June 3, 1939 . Pope Pius XII appointed him on February 12, 1948 Vicar Apostolic of Lwangwa and Titular Bishop of Tullia .

The coadjutor bishop of Breda , Jozef Willem Maria Baeten , donated him episcopal ordination on May 30 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Willem Pieter Adriaan Maria Mutsaerts , Bishop of 's-Hertogenbosch , and Jan Michiel Jozef Antoon Hanssen , Coadjutor Bishop of Roermond .

He resigned from his office on January 24, 1958. He renounced the priesthood and was laicized on November 4, 1967 .

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predecessor Office successor
Heinrich Horst MAfr Apostolic Vicar of Lwangwa / Abercorn
Adolf Fürstenberg MAfr