José Pascual Tamborini

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José Pascual Tamborini, 1950

José Pascual Tamborini (born February 22, 1886 in Buenos Aires , Argentina , † September 25, 1955 there ) was an Argentine doctor and conservative politician .


José Pascual Tamborini began his political career in the Unión Cívica Radical when he published a school newspaper for the Comité Radical Estudiantil at the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires in the late 1890s . During his medical studies at the Universidad de Buenos Aires , José Pascual Tamborini was Vice Chairman of the Comité Universitario Radical .

José Pascual Tamborini lived in Buenos Aires and belonged to the tendency of the Unión Cívica Radical , which as Sector Azul rejected the personality cult of Hipólito Yrigoyen and from which a part of the Unión Cívica Radical Antipersonalista was recruited from 1924 . In 1925, Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear appointed José Pascual Tamborini as Minister of the Interior in his government cabinet. José Pascual Tamborini was a member of the Jockey Club , the cradle of the military coup in 1930, where he was runner-up in rummy in 1945 . After the military coup of 1930, José Pascual Tamborini oriented himself within the Unión Cívica Radical to de Alvear. In 1931 José Pascual Tamborini was arrested by the coup regime and accused of participating in a preparation for the uprising of the Unión Cívica Radical .

In 1935, the Unión Cívica Radical took part in parliamentary elections, which gave José Pascual Tamborini a seat in parliament. As a legislator, he was involved in the first reading of a law that passed the provinces of Misiones , Chaco , La Pampa and Río Negro . With the formation of provinces, these areas became economic units to which grants from the United Provinces of Argentina for infrastructure could be allocated.

In 1940, José Pascual Tamborini joined the Senate for the Buenos Aires constituency .

When De Alvear died in 1942, José Pascual Tamborini remained as the leader of the most conservative part of the Unión Cívica Radical , known as Unionismo .

In 1945 José Pascual Tamborini with Enrique Mosca as vice, was presidential candidate of the Unión Democrática . For the elections on February 24, 1946, an electoral alliance was formed in the Unión Democrática: Unión Cívica Radical , Partido Socialista (Argentina) , Partido Comunista de la Argentina and the Partido Demócrata Progresista. An essential moment of the electoral alliance was the opposition to Juan Perón and his candidate for the office of vice-president, Hortensio Quijano.

The team with Perón received 1,527,231 votes, 56% of the 2,734,386 valid votes cast, while the team with Tamborini received 1,207,155 votes, 44%.

predecessor Office successor
1871: León Gambetta
1880: Antonio del Viso
1909: Mario Avellaneda
1923 - 1925 Vicente Gallo
Interior Minister of Argentina
1925 - October 12, 1928
October 12, 1928 - September 6, 1930: Elpidio González
September 8, 1930 - April 15, 1931: Matías Sánchez Sorondo
Jorge Matzkin
May 25, 2003 - December 10, 2007: Aníbal Fernández
2007 - 2010: Florencio Randazzo

Individual evidence

  1. Moniz Bandeira, Brasil, Argentina e Estados Unidos, Editora Revan, 2003 - 687 SS 230


  1. ^ Es : Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires
  2. ^ Es : Jockey Club
  3. ^ Es : Enrique Mosca
  4. ^ Es : Unión Democrática (Argentina)
  5. ^ Es : Partido Comunista de la Argentina
  6. ^ Es : Partido Demócrata Progresista