Josef Brazdovics

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Josef Brazdovics (born April 8, 1904 , † June 15, 1969 ) was an Austrian firefighter, social democrat, February fighter of the year 1934 and resistance fighter against National Socialism.

Live and act

Brazdovics belonged to the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria and the Republican Protection Association in the interwar period . After the February fighting in 1934, he was interned in the Wöllersdorf detention center for six months . After the “Anschluss” in 1938, he applied for admission to the NSDAP and claimed to have belonged to the NSDAP, district group Meidling, as early as January 1935. The NSDAP rejected the application for membership out of consideration for his political background and the Hungarian origin of his mother. The historian Florian Wenninger assesses the application for membership in the NSDAP as an “alibi act by an oppositionist”. In October 1943 Brazdovics was arrested as a member of a communist cell in the Vienna fire police, sentenced to five years in prison for " high treason " and transferred to the Mauthausen concentration camp .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Street names in Vienna since 1860 as "Political Places of Remembrance" (PDF; 4.4 MB), p. 328, final research project report, Vienna, July 2013