Josef Franta Šumavský

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Josef Franta Šumavský
drawing by Josef Svoboda

Josef Franta Šumavský (born November 27, 1796 as Josef Franta in (Malá) Poleňka in the Bohemian Forest / "Šumava"; † December 22, 1857 in Prague ) was a Czech writer, educator, scribe and patriot.


The Bohemian homeland, the Czech language and Slavic studies were the true beliefs of the young theologian. For this reason he left the study of theology in 1825 and from then on devoted himself to writing. He also gave private tuition, wrote for entertainment magazines and was an editor in a printing company.

Josef Franta was one of the main organizers of patriotic life in the 1840s. Eduard Bass wrote about him: "With everything that was good for the nation" ... "Always welcome, popular everywhere for his zeal, enthusiasm and his devoted, faithful and helpful heart".

In the revolutionary year of 1848 he was a member of the National Committee ( Národní výbor ), member of the Assembly of the Slavic Linden ( Výbor slovanské lípy ), participant in the Slavic Congress (Slovanský sjezd). With his views he belonged more to the radical wing. During the June Revolution he fought on the Prague barricades.


As a pedagogue, he is one of the pioneers in imparting basic knowledge in teaching and reading. He worked with Karel Slavoj Amerling , with whom he also edited the teachers' magazine Posel z Budče . At that time he was one of the best experts in the Czech and Slavic languages and excelled with his comparative philology and lexicography . He was involved in the preparatory work of the Jungmann Lexicon and edited some grammatical textbooks himself.

He wrote poems, short stories, newspaper articles and specialist treatises, wrote textbooks and worked as a translator.

One of the most important works is his large German-Czech and Czech-German dictionary from the years 1846 to 1851. The spelling status at that time is recorded.


Web links

Commons : Josef Franta Šumavský  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files