Josef Kohlmaier

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Josef Kohlmaier (born July 3, 1921 in Ginsweiler ; † August 3, 1995 in Limburg an der Lahn ) (originally Joseph Kohlmaier) was a German civil servant , politician (member of the CDU ), mayor and honorary citizen of Limburg an der Lahn ( Hesse ) and holder of the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class (1985) and numerous other awards.

Kohlmaier was elected Mayor of Limburg in 1965 with the votes of the SPD and FDP. In 1970, 1974 and 1980 he was confirmed in office by the city ​​council . In 1973 he became a member of the CDU. The achievements of his tenure included the reorganization of the city center, the school building, a future- oriented industrial settlement , the refurbishment project , the renovation of the old town, the construction of the town hall, which has been named after him since 1996, and the redesign of the station forecourt. The mayor also initiated the “Limburger Sommertreff” cultural event series.

On the occasion of his resignation from office, Josef Kohlmaier was made an honorary citizen of the city of Limburg. He died in Limburg in August 1995 and was buried in the main cemetery.


Christoph Waldecker , Honoring a special achievement for the common good. The honorary citizens of Limburg from 1862 to 2007, in: Limburg in the river of time. Highlights from 1100 years of city history. Limburg 2010 (articles on the history of the district town of Limburg ad Lahn 1), pp. 539–559.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Josef-Kohlmaier-Halle town hall