Josef Krasoslav Chmelenský

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Josef Krasoslav Chmelenský

Josef Krasoslav Chmelenský (born August 7, 1800 in Barau , † January 2, 1839 in Prague ) was a Czech critic , poet , librettist and educator.


As the son of a cantor , he received a musical education that had a decisive influence on his later artistic life. After attending grammar school in Budweis , he studied philosophy in Prague and was employed by the court from 1828 to 1837 and from 1838.


Chmelensky was a great admirer of Jungmann and a close friend of Čelakovskýs . He saw his life's work as a literary, theater and music critic, he wrote and composed choral songs, including pieces that became folk songs. As a critic, he sometimes lacked foresight, so he was all the more successful in writing libretti . He translated Mozart's Magic Flute and wrote libretti for operas by František Škroup , such as Der Drahtbinder , Oldrich and Božena and Libussa's wedding . He also contributed to translations into the Czech language by the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz .

See also


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