Josef Zierden

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Josef Zierden (born April 23, 1954 in Prüm ) is a high school teacher, literature manager and journalist. He is the initiator and organizer of the Eifel Literature Festival .

Study and job

Josef Zierden studied German and history at the University of Trier and graduated in 1978 with the scientific state examination in 1978 and in 1982 with the examination for high school teaching. In 1984 he received his doctorate with the dissertation The Time Problem in Clemens Brentano's short story .

He was a grammar school teacher at the Regino grammar school in Prüm, from 1995 to 2000 head of the VHS Trier and headmaster at the private St. Josef grammar school in Biesdorf. Since 2001 he has been Director of Studies for German and History at St. Matthias Gymnasium Gerolstein .

Voluntary work

Zierden was one of the founders of the Prümer Land history association in 1982, and founding editor of the association's journal Der Prümer Landbote (until 1992). Since 1994 he has been the initiator and organizer of the Eifel Literature Festival, which has been taking place in all ten districts of the Eifel since 2008. He is chairman of the literary office Eifel eV, founded in 2006

He was a member of the literature juries of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate ( Martha-Saalfeld-Förderpreis , Georg-K.-Glaser-Preis ) and has been co-editor of the literature series for young Rhineland-Palatinate authors pacemaker since 2007 .


Zierden worked for the Critical Lexicon for Contemporary German Literature , Kindler's Literature Lexicon and the literary journal Text and Criticism . He was co-editor of the Rhineland-Palatinate Yearbooks for Literature Vol. 3 and 4. Author of numerous regional literary essays a. a. in the yearbook of the Eifelverein.

  • The time problem in Clemens Brentano's short story (= Trier studies on literature. Vol. 11). Frankfurt am Main 1985.
  • The Eifel in literature. A lexicon of authors and works. Gerolstein 1994.
  • Literature Lexicon Rhineland-Palatinate. Frankfurt am Main 1998.
  • (Ed.) Literary travel guide Rhineland-Palatinate. Frankfurt am Main 2001.
  • Eifel crime thriller travel guide. In the footsteps of Jacques Berndorf & Co. Hillesheim 2002; 3rd edition 2009.
  • Crime tour Rhineland-Palatinate. A forensic travel guide. Cologne 2005.


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