Josep Maria de Garganta i Vila-Manyà

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Josep Maria de Garganta i Vila-Manyà (* 1878 in Sant Feliu de Pallerols ( Garrotxa ), † May 1, 1928 in Olot ) was a Catalan poet and lyric translator.

life and work

Josep Maria de Garganta i Vila-Manyà was born in Sant Feliu de Pallerols in Garrotxa in 1878. At the age of ten, de Garganta went to Olot to attend elementary and high school with the Escolapis. As a young man he worked on Alcover's Catalan dictionary . In 1897, at the age of only 19, he was entrusted with the management of the Olotens weekly magazine El Deber , for which he introduced the history, literature and folklore supplement L'Hostolenc in 1889 and was responsible for it until 1900. In 1901 he had to give up this position due to health problems. From this point in time until his convalescence he led a private life withdrawn from home.

The poet

After his health was restored around 1908, he resumed his old job. He devoted himself to writing poetry. Together with the writer and philosopher Josep Maria Capdevila , the doctor and historian Joaquim Danés i Torras and the politician and diplomat Carles Badia , he organized public, literary sessions at the Font Pedrera (source Pedrera). Here his poems and those of other authors were performed publicly. During these years he worked a lot in archives and prepared later studies. He worked on the El Fluvià magazine . In 1909 he founded and directed the magazine La Fulla Seràfica . In 1910 de Garganta published his first collection of poems, Arquimesa , with numerous mythical, historical and literary references . In 1912 he published the second collection Evocacions , which was highly praised by his friend Miquel Costa i Llobera . Together with the Agelnya de la Garrotxa group , he published his first journalistic essays in the Vida Olotina magazine between 1915 and 1918 . In 1922 he published the romantically tinged poetry collection Hores de col·legi , which reflect memories of his childhood and school days. All three collections of poetry were initially published as small-format, private newspaper editions. It was not until 1968 that they were put into a single volume of poetry.

The translator

As a translator, de Garganta was responsible for numerous Catalan versions of Italian, English, Latin, Portuguese, French and Romanian original poetry. He published these poems in magazines of Olot and Barcelona. He transferred authors such as Matteo Boiardo , Giacomo Leopardi , Alessandro Manzoni , Joachim du Bellay , Pierre de Ronsard , William Wordsworth , Francis Jammes , Charles-Julien Lioult de Chênedollé , Félix Arvers , Alfred de Vigny , José-Maria de Heredia , Gustave Nadaud , Vasile Alecsandri , Thomas Gray , Frederick Tennyson and especially Longfellow in the Catalan language. In particular, the incomplete translation of Longfellow's Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie was recognized by the Catalan poet and writer Joaquim Ruyra as a translation of "great elegance". In 1878 de Garganta's translation of Vasile Alecsandri's Cant de la Raza Latina received the prize for the best Romance translation out of a total of seven Romance translations at the Montpellier Flower Games. Frédéric Mistral also took part in this competition .


De Garganta was a staunch supporter, advocate and connoisseur of the planned language Esperanto . The library of Sant Feliu de Pallerols is named after Josep Maria de Garganta.


Josep Maria de Garganta died on May 1st 1928 at the age of fifty in Olot. His friend, Josep Maria Capdevila, published many of his poems and poetry transcriptions in 1968. He published a collection of many of his original works and his best translations with the aim of making them accessible to new generations. Apart from cultural circles in Barcelona, ​​Josep Maria de Garganta's literary work has so far hardly been noticed internationally.


De Garganta had married as a young man and had four children who made history beyond Olot. Joan de Garganta and Fàbrega (Olot 1902 - Medellín 1973) was a writer, politician and mayor of Olot; Miquel de Garganta i Fàbrega (Olot 1903-1988 ) was a botanist, pharmacist and collaborator with Pompeu Fabra on botanical nomenclature; Josep Maria de Garganta i Fàbrega (Olot 1905 - Torrent 1980) was a Dominican, theologian and church historian; Daughter Consol de Garganta i Fàbrega (Olot 1908 - 2009), was responsible for the preservation of the family heritage. In 1981 the Garganta children Miquel and Consol received the silver medal of the city of Olot on behalf of the entire family. In 1987 the city of Olot and the municipality of Sant Feliu de Pallerols published a collection of biographical texts by various authors on the members of the Garganta family.


Individual evidence

  1. Exact date of death according to: CIVTAT: Josep Ma de Garganta i Vila-Manyà. Retrieved August 18, 2018 (Catalan).
  2. Aida Macias i Roqueta (PEN català)
  3. This detail is taken from the Catalan article about de Garganta and is documented there.
  4. Biblioteca Sant Feliu de Pallerols. Retrieved August 19, 2018 (Catalan).