Joseph Hoch

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Joseph Hoch (born May 3, 1815 in Frankfurt am Main ; † September 19, 1874 there ) was a German donor . His testamentary disposition made it possible for Dr. Hoch's Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main.

life and work

Joseph Paul Johannes Hoch came from a family that had lived in Frankfurt am Main for generations. All four grandparents lived in this city. His father, Johann Peter Hieronymus Hoch (1779–1831) , who holds a doctorate in law, was a lay judge and senator and in 1829 senior mayor of the Free City of Frankfurt . The mother, née Schweitzer, was the daughter of a lay judge and senator.

Hoch studied law like his father and obtained a doctorate in law. He was a musical eccentric, learned the piano and violin at an early age and came into possession of a large fortune through inheritance twice. At the age of 41 he married Freiin Ottilie von Sodenstern, who survived him by 48 years after he died after childless marriage on September 19, 1874 at the age of 59; she only died in Kassel in 1922 .

Hoch decided early on, following the example of the banker Johann Friedrich Städel , who had bequeathed his picture collection and his fortune to the establishment of an institute for the fine arts, to enable the establishment of a conservatory in Frankfurt . Before traveling to England in 1843, Hoch drew up a will for the first time. However, he did not write the will that was decisive for founding the Conservatory until 1857.

The will of July 14, 1857 consisted of 21 paragraphs. He was followed by other wills in the last two months before his death. The legacy was about a million gold marks . His grave is in the Frankfurt main cemetery .


  • Commemorative speech by Max Flesch-Thebesius , given on May 19, 1965 to celebrate the 150th birthday of Joseph Hoch, printed in: Stiftung Dr. Hoch's Conservatory of Joseph Hoch on the 100th anniversary of his death , Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, 1974, with the kind permission of Henriette Kramer, Verlag Waldemar Kramer GmbH and Peter Cahn, Frankfurt
  • Peter Cahn : The Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main (1878–1978) , Frankfurt am Main: Kramer, 1979.
  • Festschrift 125 years of the Dr. Hoch's Conservatory Frankfurt am Main , Frankfurt am Main 2003.

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