Joseph Jessing

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Joseph Jessing (around 1880)

Joseph Jessing (born November 17, 1836 in Munster , † November 2, 1899 in Columbus (Ohio) ) was a German-born Catholic priest in the United States . He worked as a newspaper editor and founded an orphanage and the Josephinum Pontifical College in Columbus, Ohio.


Jessing's father died when Joseph was four years old. In order to support his mother and the two siblings, he worked in a printing company after leaving school in Münster; in addition, he continued his education through self-study. He trained as a stenographer and gave shorthand lessons. At 19 he joined the Prussian army and took part in the 1864 German-Danish war in the storming of the Düppeler Schanzen . He has received several awards for his military service. In 1866 he received the Prussian lithography license .

Since his long-cherished wish to become a priest could not be realized in his homeland, Jessing decided to emigrate to the USA in 1867. There he entered Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Cincinnati in 1868 . On July 16, 1870 he received from Bishop Sylvester Horton Rosecrans the priesthood .

As a chaplain in Pomeroy , Jessing founded the German-language magazine Ohio in 1873 , renamed Ohio Orphan Friend in 1874 . He wrote most of the articles himself and dealt with topics of Christian everyday life and Catholic apologetics . In addition, since his arrival in America he has written numerous articles for the Truth Friend , the German-language publication of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati . The orphan friend was so successful that Jessing was able to found an orphanage together with Franciscans from the surpluses in 1875 . The children received accommodation, food and schooling. In 1877 he moved the newspaper and home to Columbus. He supported the orphans with business ideas, including a trading company for church supplies.

When four boys from the orphanage expressed their desire to become priests, Jessing developed the plan to start a seminary. The facility should include higher education and theology studies and offer free places to poor students. Teaching at the Josephinum began on September 1, 1888 with 23 students. To put the seminary, which was not attached to any diocese , on a canonical basis, Jessing asked Pope Leo XIII. to elevate the institution to a papal college ; this was granted in 1892. In June 1899, a few months before his death, Joseph Jessing experienced the first ordination of six Josephinum graduates.


  • The attempted extermination of the Catholic religion in England by the statehood under Henry VIII and his successors: retold to the Protestant William Cobbett . Freiburg i. Br. 1874
  • Wellbeing for children: a little book for parents who want to make their children happy / Written by a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland, O. Columbus OH 1878
  • Parental duty or the Christian family as it should be in our day. For the educated and the uneducated, portrayed by a priest of the Diocese of Cleveland, the author of "Kinderwohl" . Columbus OH 1881
  • Citizenship - Citizenship: a guide and advisor for German-Americans and immigrants . Columbus OH 1882
  • True words about Dr. M. Luther's change of religion: A book of peace for all lovers of the truth, which contains the conclusive proof that Luther in the midst of his innovations nevertheless sometimes taught and proclaimed the old, only true Roman Catholic faith until the end of his life . Columbus OH 1883
  • The court of the heretic prince Martin Luther and his false doctrine / Using the original works of Luther held in the "Ohio Orphan Friend" on the occasion of the Luther celebration in 1883 by Joseph Jessing . Columbus OH 1884
  • Richard Verstegen (1587): Theatrum crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis , edited by Joseph Jessing with German and English translation in parallel columns ( Tragedy of heretical cruelties ), Columbus OH 1888
  • Clear light on Protestantism: or information where the Church which Christ has estabilshed on earth may be found . Columbus OH 1893
  • Summarium Logicale secundum principia S. Thomæ Aquinatis : ad usum alumnorum Pontificii Collegii Iosephini Columbensis . Columbus OH 1894


In June 1896, Pope Leo XIII appointed Joseph Jessing as Papal House Prelate . In 1952, Jessingstrasse in Münster was named after Joseph Jessing. In 1968 graduates of the Josephinum donated a memorial plaque that was attached to the successor building of Jesse's birthplace in Münster, Kleiboltengasse 4.


  • Alois Schmidmeier: Father Joseph Jessing - an important pioneer of Gabelsberger shorthand at home and abroad. In: Bavarian sheets for shorthand & word processing. 135.2003 nos. 2 and 3.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. after emigration also John Joseph Jessing
  2. a b c d e f g History of the Josephinum ( Memento from February 10, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  3. a b Chronicle of the Stenographers Association ( Memento from February 1, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. On This Date in the Josephinum's History ( Memento from February 3, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  5. a b c Ohio Memory Collection
  6. Detailed documentation ( Memento from February 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (English)
  7. [1]
  8. [2]
  9. [3]
  10. [4]
  11. [5]
  12. [6]
  13. Jessing writes in the foreword: “This present little work is a reprint from an old book, whose author is unknown to me. It was probably first printed in England about 200 years ago ... it contains an admirable and strictly logical exposition and defense of the faith of the holy Roman Catholic church "( [7] ).
  14. Commentary on the Birett
  15. münsterwiki
  16. Figure and inscription