Joseph Lagu

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Joseph Lagu (born November 21, 1931 in the hamlet of Momokwe in Moli, 130 kilometers south of Juba ) is a former South Sudanese rebel leader, politician and ambassador .


Joseph Lagu belongs to the Madi ethnic group in South Sudan . In May 1960 he graduated from the Military College in Omdurman and became an officer in the 10th Brigade of the Northern Command of the Sudanese Army.

1955–1972 - First Sudanese Civil War

In June 1963, Lagu deserted the Sudanese army and joined the South Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM) against the government of Sudan. In September 1963, Joseph Lagu founded the Anya-Nya , the military wing of the SSLM in the Civil War in South Sudan . In 1968 Joseph Lagu was in control of the entire SSLM. In October 1970, John Garang was recruited to the Anya-Nya.

Peace process

In 1972, under the auspices of Haile Selassie , Jafar an-Numairi and the SSLM signed the Addis-Ababa Agreement in Addis Ababa , which ended the civil war.

The Addis Ababa Accords granted South Sudan regional autonomy resulted in ten years of peace. The members of Anya-Nya were integrated into the army and police. Joseph Lagu became a major general in the Sudanese army.

In 1978, Joseph Lagu retired from the army and was elected chairman of the High Executive Council , the regional government of the autonomous South Sudan. In 1982 Lagu was appointed second deputy president of the Sudan.

When the Numairi government was overthrown in 1985 by its defense minister, General Mohammed Ahmed Suar-El-Dahab, Joseph Lagu also lost his position as second vice-president.

He went into exile in the United Kingdom with his family. There the government of Sadiq al-Mahdi appointed him ambassador with changing districts. When the Sadiq al-Mahdi government was overthrown in a coup by Omar al-Bashir in 1989 , al-Bashir also appointed Lagu as its ambassador with changing responsibilities.

In May 1998, Joseph Lag turned down the appointment as advisor to President al-Bashir and has been without official duties since then.

In 2006 Joseph Lagu published his memoir under the title Sudan: Odyssey through a State From Ruin to Hope .

Individual evidence

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predecessor Office successor
Sudanese Ambassador to the United Nations in New York City
September 1990 and January 1992