Joseph Lanz

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Joseph Wolfgang Lanz (born January 20, 1797 in Michaelnbach ; † September 9, 1873 in Vienna ) was an Austrian composer and music theorist.


Joseph Wolfgang Lanz was born on January 20, 1797 in Michaelnbach as the second son of the teacher Franz Jakob Lanz. He received his first music and instrumental lessons from his father, and further lessons from schoolmaster Fischer in Grieskirchen . In 1815 he joined the St. Peter Abbey in Salzburg as primary violinist . It was here that the first compositions were written, which received favorable reviews from contemporary critics. He gave instrumental lessons for a living.

In September 1824 Lanz moved to Vienna. He applied unsuccessfully to the Kärntnertortheater and married Veronika Krzischek. The couple initially lived on the Wieden. According to his own statements, he had increasing contact with Franz Schubert . On November 4, 1828, a theory lesson with Schubert took place with Simon Sechter . Lanz established himself as a music teacher and music theorist. He wrote theoretical works on the so-called "Third Sound".

In 1857 Lanz wrote his autobiography “Biographical Notes (also with regard to my friendly intercourse with Ms. Schubert) for Mr. v. Luib ”with a catalog raisonné as an appendix. He died in Vienna on September 9, 1873.

Sources and literature

  • Joseph Lanz, Biographical Notes (also in relation to my friendly relations with Ms. Schubert) for Mr. v. Luib ; Vienna library in the town hall
  • Studying with Sixth; Newly recovered reminescences about Schubert by his forgotten friend, the composer Joseph Lanz (Steblin, Stocken: Music & Letters, Vol. 88 No. 2, _ The Author (2007). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. Doi: 10.1093 / ml / gcl113 , available online at
  • Lanz, family. In: Oesterreichisches Musiklexikon . Online edition, Vienna 2002 ff., ISBN 3-7001-3077-5 ; Print edition: Volume 3, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-7001-3045-7 .
  • Rita Steblin : The composer Joseph Lanz (1797–1873). A forgotten friend of Franz Schubert from Upper Austria . In: Streifzüge II. Contributions to Upper Austrian music history . Edited by Klaus Petermayr and Erich Wolfgang Partsch. Volksliedwerk, Linz Upper Austria, pp. 77-107.