Joshua doubts

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Joshua doubts.

Josua Zweifel (born September 10, 1854 in Glarus , † September 16, 1895 during a steamboat trip on the Niger ) was a Swiss trader and Africa explorer , who became known through the discovery of the Niger springs and the exploration of the hinterland of Sierra Leone .

Doubt was the son of a craftsman from Glarus and joined the Marseilles company Verminck as a commercial agent at the age of 18 . On behalf of this company he undertook a trip to the upper Niger in the hinterland of Sierra Leone with the French Marius Moustier in 1879, both to establish further trade connections and to research the sources of the river. With a caravan of 75 men he went from his trading post in Rotombo in Sierra Leone to Port Loko and from there between the Rokel and Scarcies rivers to Falaba . There he met the ruler Solimanas , Manga Sewa , with whose support the source of Rokel was reached. After crossing the mountains he reached the place Kolako on the river Tembi, whose holy spring (8½ ° north latitude and 11½ ° east longitude) Doubt could only see from a distance, as he was refused a visit to the spring by the high priest who led him. On October 4th, the caravan finally started its return journey.

Doubt died on September 16, 1895 from an accident on the steamer "Croft" while sailing on the Niger River.
