Juanulloa ferruginea

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Juanulloa ferruginea
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Juanulloa
Type : Juanulloa ferruginea
Scientific name
Juanulloa ferruginea

Juanulloa ferruginea is a species of the genus Juanulloa .


The leaf stalks of the deciduous leaves of Juanulloa ferruginea are provided with dense, reddish-brown hairs that are unique within the genus. The leaves are 13 to 18 cm long and 5 to 7.5 cm wide.

The flowers are on 1 to 1.5 cm long peduncles , the calyx is 1.5 to 2 cm long. The crown is short tubular. The corolla tube has a length of about 2.6 cm, at the base it is not tapered, at the tip it is, in contrast to most other species of the genus, enlarged and covered with 7 to 8 mm long, bent back corolla lobes. The stamens are in the middle of the corolla tube, the 4 mm long anthers protrude beyond the corolla tube. The counters are split to about 2.5 mm from each other.

The fruits are green colored berries .


The species occurs in Ecuador , Peru and Colombia .

Botanical history

The species was first described in 1958 by José Cuatrecasas . The type specimen was found by himself on November 24, 1940 in the rainforest on the Río Putumayo near Puerto Ospina at an altitude of 230 m. A herbarium record is held in the Smithsonian Institute's USA National Herbarium .



  • J. Francis Macbride: Juanulloa ferruginea. In: Flora of Peru , Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series, Volume XIII, Part VB, Number 1, 1962. p. 84.
  • José Cuatrecasas: The Colombian species of Juanulloa. In: Brittonia , Volume 10, Number 3, 1958, pp. 146-150. doi : 10.2307 / 2804795

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Sandra Knapp, Viveca Persson and Stephen Blackmore: A Phylogenetic Conspectus of the Tribe Juanulloeae (Solanaceae) . In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Volume 84, Number 1, 1997. pp. 67-89