Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil

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Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil with honorary canon Edmund Dillinger

Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil (born November 18, 1938 in Baghdida , Iraq , † December 3, 2012 in Rome ) was a Syrian Catholic Curia Archbishop .


Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil was ordained a priest on June 7, 1964 . After studying and doing pastoral work in Mosul, Al-Jamil became secretary of the Patriarchate in Beirut. He studied philosophy and psychology at the Catholic University of France. In 1990 he received his doctorate from the Pontifical Lateran University .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on August 1, 1986 auxiliary bishop in Antioch and titular archbishop of Tagritum . The Patriarch of Antioch, Ignatius Antoine II. Hayek , donated him episcopal ordination on November 9, 1986 ; Co- consecrators were Denys Philippe Beilouné , Archbishop of Aleppo , and Denys Raboula Antoine Beylouni , Auxiliary Bishop in Antioch.

In 1984 he founded the Syriac Center for Research and Studies . He was a member of the committee for the preparation of the synod in Lebanon in 1992. In 1996 he became procurator of the Patriarchate of Antioch, based in Rome, and a year later rector of Santa Maria della Concezione in Campo Marzio . In 2002 Pope John Paul II appointed him Apostolic Visitator of the Syrian Catholic Church in Western Europe .

In 2008 he became an honorary citizen of the Italian city of Atri . Since November 2011 he was a Familiar of the Teutonic Order and taught at the Heinrich VI Academy. from Hohenstaufen . In 2012 he was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. called to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints .

He was one of the few people in the world who could speak and read Aramaic .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Archbishop Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil , obituary, accessed December 6, 2012 (English).
  2. a b c CHIESA: È morto questa notte Arciv. Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil , Don Orione, accessed 6 December 2012 (Italian)