Julio Adolfo Rey Prendes

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Julio Adolfo Rey Prendes (born October 5, 1932 in Santa Ana , † September 27, 2010 in San Salvador ) was a Salvadoran politician .


Also known as Fito , Rey Prendes was the son of Spanish actor and Falange Española member Julio Rey de las Heras , who starred in the film Raza, based on a screenplay by Francisco Franco . After completing his studies in political science at Tulane University in New Orleans with Licenciatura and Maestría , Rey Prendes also successfully completed a law and social science degree at the Universidad de El Salvador . As part of his political career, he was a member of the Asamblea Nacional Constituyente , the constituent national assembly, where he held the function of vice-president and also held the office of Alcalde of San Salvador.

Rey Prendes, co-founder of the Partido Demócrata Cristiano (PDF), was Presidential Minister from October to November 1984 under the then President José Napoleón Duarte , whose right-hand man he was considered to be. He later took over the culture and communication division. From June 1989 he was a member of a government commission serving the guerrilla. Later, following the signed agreement between the government and the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) in 1992, he was also a member of the Comisión Nacional para la Consolidación de la Paz (COPAZ), a national commission for peace stabilization. He was also a member of a commission in June 1993 that oversaw the destruction of the FMLN's weapons. He died on September 27, 2010 as a result of cancer.

Rey Prendes, who wrote his memoir at the age of 73, was married to Rhina Escalante de Rey Prendes and was both a father and a grandfather.

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