Julius Lindemann (Major General)

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Julius Gustav Otto Lindemann (born October 25, 1789 in Lüne , † November 22, 1855 in Celle ) was a German liberation fighter and major general in the army of the Kingdom of Hanover .


Lindemann was the son of the Lüneburg superintendent Friedrich Heinrich Lindemann († 1816), who later worked in Dannenberg. He studied law at the University of Göttingen from 1807 to 1809, where he became a member of the Corps Hannovera Göttingen . From October 1813 he did voluntary military service as a liberation fighter in the Royal British Army and was accepted into the Hanover Army in 1814 , where he was promoted to lieutenant on March 8, 1815 and took part in the Battle of Waterloo . In 1838 Lindemann became Rittmeister of the 4th Lüneburg Hussars. On May 29, 1838 he was promoted to major and squadron chief of the 4th Crown Prince Dragoon Regiment . In 1838 he was transferred to the General Adjudantur of the Kingdom of Hanover. In 1844 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and chief of the Duke v. Cavalry regiment stationed in the Cambridge Dragoons barracks in Celle . Cambridge . On May 21, 1854, Lindemann became major general of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade in Celle and was bid farewell in 1855 .



  • Wilhelm Rothert : General Hannoversche Biography , Volume 2, In the Old Kingdom of Hanover 1814–1866 ; Sponholtz, Hannover 1914, p. 554
  • Heinrich Ferdinand Curschmann : Blue Book of the Corps Hannovera to Göttingen. Volume 1, 1809–1899, Göttingen 2002, No. 48

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment in Göttingen on October 25, 1807 and November 9, 1808.