Julius Schittenhelm

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Julius Schittenhelm (born December 4, 1926 in Kiel ; † October 28, 2012 ) was a German singer , songwriter, producer and designer .


After a short front-line deployment in World War II and a prisoner of war, Schittenhelm began studying chemistry in Munich. He also works on the construction side. He taught himself to play the guitar by himself and got a job in an accompanying band of the Schwabing Gisela . He then appeared in changing line-ups in various nightspots and clubs and worked as a commissioned producer and sound engineer for the German label OHR / Metronome , with Amon Düül , Embryo and Guru Guru , among others .

In addition to his career as a musician, he ran a backyard workshop and designed furnishings and decorations.

In 1976 he returned to the stage as a musician. He sang self-written songs to the acoustic guitar. " Schittenhelm's voice had the sound of a rusty piece of sheet steel dragging across cobblestones."

Bruckmoser and Wulff describe in their “comprehensive lexicon of pop & rock music”: “Schittenhelm, Julius (v, g, k, f) has been croaking German-language hymns to subtly syncopated accompaniment since the 70s: takes getting used to, intellectual, ready for cabaret and with certainty absolutely unique, not to say: single. "

Schittenhelm was a co-founder of the music label Schneeball . His three long-playing records were also released there: Aristoteles (1976) , Müllmutanten (1978) and Rundschlag (1982 ).

In 1982 he moved from Munich to Schlitz and developed objects made of Plexiglas. In the following years he played the piano and experimented with synthesizers. He still had a few appearances in galleries and at smaller events. His autobiography Ich bin kein Volk was published as a book on demand .


  • Aristotle 1976
  • Garbage mutants 1978
  • Rundschlag 1982
  • Quarks to Ethics 2000

with others

  • Free + outside Vlotho 1977/1978
  • April is Snowball 1977
  • A comet is a dirty snowball 1997
  • Awakening 2009 (Sireena Rec.)

Commissioned productions (selection)

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The snappy sound engineer - the Krautrock producer Julius Schittenhelm is dead. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. November 14, 2012, p. 12. (Obituary by Karl Bruckmaier)
  2. Bruce Bruckmoser, Peter Wulff: A comprehensive dictionary of pop & rock music. Basic information in over 2000 drawers. Self-published, Landshut 1996, ISBN 3-9804816-2-X .