Julius Severin

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Julius Severin (born April 29, 1840 in Rome , † May 19, 1883 in Munich ) was a German landscape and genre painter .


Severin was self-taught . He was based in Munich from 1870, traveled to Italy in 1882 and, according to Hyacinth Hollands, “had not yet accomplished a work when he [...] was suddenly torn from his life by a sudden death, standing up from the breakfast table.” Still found in his estate some genre pictures from his early phase as well as several fragments or sketches that were then exhibited in the Kunstverein . Holland judged that Severin "should be counted among those natures who, driven to energetic work under less favorable circumstances, might have become happy in their productions. He stopped because all roads were paved for him, while someone else wasted the best of his strength in the struggle for existence by overcoming the material difficulties that are almost insurmountable across the path of life. Viewed from this point of view, Severin's life is instructive and admonishing. ”Other sources, too, express disagreement with Severin's artistic work: Barbara Müller and Marc-Joachim Wasmer said that he“ hardly ever ”surpassed his“ dilettantism ”.

In the winter of 1875/76 he seems to have started a cure in the Teplitz public baths . He was also traveling the following winter.

Gustav Floerke was one of his friends . He "sat [...] often, gladly and for a long time with creative artists, namely Julius Severin from Rome and some Swiss painters [...] in a couple of cozy little wine bars, such as the well-known one in Floßmann's house on the Luitpold and the ' Poetry 'on Türkenstrasse . ”In 1879, Flörke dedicated“ his old friend, the painter J. Severin in Munich, to the volume “The Island of Sirens.” A lithograph with a portrait of Johann Friedrich Benzenberg was made by Julius Severin . Wilhelm von Rümann created a bust of the painter.


Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Heilmann, Gisela Hopp et al., Neue Pinakothek Munich. Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, and Symbolists. Foreign artist. Hirmer, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-7774-2930-9 , p. 271.
  2. ^ A b Hyacinth HollandSeverin, Julius . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 34, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1892, p. 76 f.
  3. ^ Barbara Müller and Marc-Joachim Wasmer: Adolf Stäbli, 1842–1901, a Swiss landscape painter in Munich. Stuttgart 1984, ISBN 3-85502-209-7 , p. 46 (restricted view, books.google.de )
  4. Arrived Kurparteien in Tplitz. In:  Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger , January 29, 1876, p. 7 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / tsa
  5. Bohemia. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  6. Ludwig Fränkel:  Flörke, Gustav . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 48, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1904, pp. 602-609. - ( deutsche-biographie.de ).
  7. Wolfgang Torge: History of geodesy in Germany. ISBN 3-11-019056-7 , p. 117 ( limited preview in Google book search)
  8. ^ Hyacinth Holland: Rümann Wilhelm von. In: Anton Bettelheim: Biographisches Jahrbuch and German Nekrolog. Berlin 1908, pp. 147-148 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).