Ferdinand Ebeling

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Julius Wilhelm Ferdinand Ebeling (born September 19, 1878 on Gut Kressenbrunnen near Grebenstein , † September 13, 1933 in Kützkow near Pritzerbe ) was a German farmer and district administrator .


Ebeling was born on the Kressenbrunnen estate (Hofgeismar district) leased from his father Ferdinand Ebeling. He attended elementary school in neighboring Grebenstein . When the family moved to Saxony in 1889 because his father leased the Dardesheim manor there , Ebeling was sent to Braunschweig . There he attended the Ducal New High School, where he passed his Abitur in 1897. Then he was an agricultural apprentice at the Ampleben manor near Wolfenbüttel. In the autumn of 1898 he enrolled at the University of Breslau and studied agriculture. He completed his studies in 1904 with a doctorate to become a Dr. phil. from. During his studies he became a member of the Corps Silesia Breslau . After a brief activity on the Memleben domain in Saxony, he went to Wismar (Pomerania) in 1906 , but in 1907 he went to Kolberg and in 1909 to Liebenwalde , before leasing a manor in Kniestedt near Salzgitter in 1910 . After the First World War he was a leaseholder of the manor in Kützkow (today part of Havelsee ) until the end of his life .


  • A Silesian manor, its development since 1824 and its current design (= dissertation), Breslau 1904 (contains curriculum vitae)


  • Fritz Maywald: Complete directory of members of the Corps Silesia 1821–1961 , Part I, Cologne 1961, serial no. 594
  • Kösener corps lists 1960, 83 , 593